Where Is She?!

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The bedroom Evelyn's in up top.

Kylie's POV

Anger boiled inside me. Evelyn got fucking kidnapped and we have no fucking leads. Fuck!

Evelyn's dad barged into my office, "Do we have anything yet?"

"If we had any fucking leads, I wouldn't be here now would I?!" I gritted out angrily.

"Don't fucking yell at me! It's your fault my daughter is gone!" He screamed, his eyes dark.

He's right. I should have watched her. I was too busy arguing with Jackson to know what was going on.

"Maybe you shouldn't have fucking argued with me!" I yelled, angrily.

Jackson glared at me and I glared back at him.

Evelyn's mom came into the room, "Stop arguing. That won't get my daughter back."

I broke contact with Jackson. She's right. We need to find Evelyn quick. She's in heat. Who knows what could happen.

Derek ran into my office, "We got something!"

Me and Jackson followed Derek outside. We continued walking into the woods. Where was Derek taking us?

"What is it Derek?" I asked, annoyed. I'm not in the mood for games.

We stopped. Everyone was silent until Derek spoke, "Do you smell that?"

I smelled the air around me. An Alpha rouge scent was distant.

"If we go now, we could find Evelyn?" Derek asked.

"Notify the warriors from both of our packs." Jackson told him, following the distant scent.

Derek nodded and mindlinked the warriors. We continued following the distant scent. It wasn't much, but it was enough. We need to find Evelyn. I hope it's not too late.

Evelyn's POV

I was chained to this fucking bed all day. Ace brought in meals and then he would leave. Fuck, my wrists hurt. Not to mention, I can't fucking move. Any sudden movements, pain would consume me. I feel like it's getting worse and worse. I'm as still as a fucking statue.

'How are we going to escape if you don't fucking move?!' Skyler asked, annoyed.

'Skyler, if I move, were going to be in pain. You know how bad it was today. Not moving is the only thing that is working right now. I can barely fucking breathe without the pain coming back.' I told her, rolling my eyes.

Skyler continued her mumbling, but I wasn't listening. I'm not in the fucking mood. Soon enough, Ace would try something.

Ace came in with another meal, "I got you dinner. Eat up."

He unchained one of my hands and put the plate near me. It was steak, macaroni and cheese with a side of corn.

I slowly moved my hand, wincing from the pain and started eating. After two bites, I stopped. I couldn't handle the pain from moving my fucking arm. It hurts too much.

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