We Don't Need Her!

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Kylie's bedroom up top.

Evelyn's POV

'Skyler, we don't need her.' I told her, annoyed.

'We need mate!!!' Skyler whined out.

'What is going on with you? Let's just go to sleep.' I mumbled, closing my eyes. Soon sleep took me.

Later that night...

A burning sensation erupted inside of me. My head pounded like a drum. I slowly opened my eyes. Is it hot in here or is it just me? Maybe the heat is on?

I slowly stood up from my bed only to fall to my knees. My legs felt weak. The burning sensation in my chest increased. I held my chest in pain. Sweat beaded on my forehead. Why am I so hot?!

I tried to stand up only for me to fall back down. Tears began streaming down my face as I screamed out for my mom.

I layed on the floor, holding my chest in pain. I couldn't breathe. I couldn't move.

My mom came running into my room, "Evelyn?! What happened?!"

She slowly lifted me onto the bed, laying me down, "It hurts, mom. It hurts so much." I cried.

My mom lifted her hand to my forehead, only to pull away as if she got burned.

"Evelyn! Your burning up!" She screamed, worriedly.

Tears streamed down my face as the pain increases. My father runs into my room worry etched on his face.

"Evelyn is going through heat!" He screamed out.

"Heat?! Jackson, she hasn't even found her mate!" My mom yelled.

'Tell them.' Skyler whimpered.

The pain became unbearable. It hurts so much.

"I did! I found my mate. It's Kylie." I rushed out.

I didn't want to tell them this way, but the pain increased and as much as I hated admitting it, I need Kylie right now. She's the only one who can take my pain away.

My parents eyes widened and my dad asked, "Kylie?! The daughter of Liam?! The one who created this mess?!"

Tears clouded my vision as the pain increased and I let out a painful cry. I knew my parents would act this way.

"Jackson, please! Our daughter is in pain, we need Kylie to come." My mom told him.

My father was pissed off, but he nodded. Tears ran down my face and the last thing I heard was my father calling Kylie until darkness flooded my vision.

Kylie's POV

Worry consumed my thoughts as I walked into Evelyn's bedroom. As soon as I got the call from her dad, I knew something was wrong.

There Evelyn layed, passed out and breathing shallow. Sweat was coated along her face. I picked her up bridal style and started walking out of the room.

"What do you think your doing with my daughter?!" Her dad gritted out.

"Your DAUGHTER is in heat in case you haven't realized. I'm taking her to my house." I told him, walking out of the room.

"Hell no. She is staying here!" Her dad screamed out, blocking me from the door.

"Jackson! That is her mate. The only one to take away her pain." Evelyn's mom said.

I glared at her father, daring him to challenge me. I'm taking Evelyn back whether they like it or not.

Her dad's eyes flickered from black to his normal eye color, blue. "Fine! But, you will bring her back tomorrow morning untouched. If I see one mark on her, I'll kill you."

I glared at him and walked out of the door. I'll keep her with me for as long as I want to. She's MY mate.

Finally getting to my house, I brought her into my bedroom. Gently laying her down on my bed, I pulled her into my chest. I let my eyes fall as I fell asleep.

The next morning/Evelyn's POV

The sun shined through the window as my eyes slowly opened. I felt good this morning. The pain was all gone. I tried to sit up only to have an arm wrapped around me? Kylie had her arm wrapped around me. Why is Kylie in my house?

I slowly looked around the room. The room is etched in black, grey, and gold tones. Already a big sign that this isn't my room. Where the fuck am I?! I tried to push Kylie's arm away only for her to hold on tighter.

"Sleep." She mumbled, quietly.

"Get the fuck off me Kylie!" I yelled, trying to push her arm away.

Finally getting out of her hold, I stood up only to fall to the floor. The pain hurled inside me again. I held my chest in pain.

Kylie picked me up, sighing, "You need to stay with me."

She layed me on the bed, bringing me to her chest. The pain subsided from her touch.

"I'm not staying with you." I said, trying to pull away from her.

"Your staying with me and that's final." Kylie mumbled, holding me closer.

Who does she think she is?! I'm not staying here.

'Stay with mate. We'll be in pain if you leave her side.' Skyler muttered.

'Skyler, I'm not staying with her forever...' I started until Skyler interrupted me.

'You need to complete the mating process.' Skyler mumbled.

'What? I'm not mating with her after what she did. You know what she did.' I told her, frustrated.

'She's our mate!' Skyler whined before I closed the link.

I can't hear anymore of this. There is no way in hell I would mate with Kylie. I'll just stay with her to get rid of the pain. That'll work, right?

The 11th chapter is finished!!! What do you think? Please comment any suggestions and editing mistakes. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Have a great day!!

Looks like Evelyn is going through heat. Will Evelyn complete the mating process?

Word Count (969)

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