It's Time

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Evelyn's POV

Today is the day. This could go perfect or terrible. I really hope it works. I still don't like the plan though.

'We'll be fine. Soon we'll be with mate.' Skyler mumbled, smiling.

She's right. It's going to hurt though.

'It'll be worth it when we're with mate.' Skyler reassured me.

'Hopefully it works.' I mumbled.

'It will.' Skyler told me.


Ace came into the room, locking the door. He probably came with a meal like he always did. But, he didn't have anything in his hands. His eyes were pitch black and filled with lust. Shit. He slowly walked towards me like I was his prey.

"What are you doing?" I asked, worriedly.

He didn't answer and continued walking towards me. I couldn't move. I couldn't breathe. What is he doing? He got onto the bed, straddling my waist. He leaned into me, his lips gazing my ear. His hand went around my neck, gazing it.

"You think you can escape me?!" Ace gritted out.

"N-No.." I choked out as his hand added pressure to my neck.

"Don't fucking lie to me! I know what you and Ralph are up to. Guess what Ralph is going to do now?" He gritted out, smirking.

"I d-don't know what your talking about..." I  muttered, my arms wanting to reach for his that are on my neck. 

Shit! How the fuck did he find out?!

"Bullshit! Bring him in!" Ace screamed, not breaking eye contact with me.

Bring who in? All of a sudden, Ralph was pushed into the room. His hair was shriveled. He was sweating and tears clouded his vision. He had tape on his mouth and his arms were chained behind his back with silver restraints. A man pushed him onto a chair and chained him to it. Ralph struggled to the best of his ability, but nothing worked. His wrists were burned. My eyes widened and the man left, locking the door behind him.

"He looks familiar, doesn't he?" Ace gritted out.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?! Unchain him!" I screamed to the best of my ability considering his hand was around my neck.

I suddenly felt a sharp sting on my cheek. Ace slapped me! My eyes widened from shock. Tears clouded my vision.

"Didn't think I was going to do that, did you? Now be a good fucking slut. Ralphy here is going to watch me fuck your tight,  fucking cunt." Ace gritted out, his eyes filled with lust.

My eyes widened at his words. This can't be fucking happening right now! Please Kylie save me!

"First, I'm going to taste you. Mm... You probably taste so good." He mumbled, slowly removing my top.

"S-Stop..." I stuttered out, tears threatening to fall.

"Baby, don't cry. You'll enjoy what I'm going to do to you." He smirked, finally removing my top and bra.

His lips came in contact with my neck, roughly biting, sucking and kissing. He made his way down, reaching my collar bone.

"P-Please... stop..." I begged, tears streamed down my face.

Every touch he made stung. I began to get extremely hot. My body burned badly. My chest began to tighten. Probably the worst of all, I began to get horny. Stupid fucking heat!

Ace continued his assault on my body, his lips reaching my breasts. He teased my bud and it hardened at his touch. He brought it into his mouth, roughly sucking and biting on it. Meanwhile, he massaged the other breast, giving it equal attention.

Tears streamed down my face as I struggled with the restraints. Pain consumed my body. I hated how my body reacted to his touch. It hurts so much. I hate that I'm in fucking heat. Meanwhile, Ralph saw everything and struggled on the restraints. Tears streamed down his face.

Ace continued his way down my body, his head right above my clothed sex. It doesn't matter how much I beg him to stop. He doesn't listen. He didn't care.

He ripped my pants off along with my panties. His mouth was so close to my sex. Tears streamed down my face as I continued sobbing. I'm going to be raped. I struggled breathing. My eyes closed tightly waiting for the impact of his mouth on my sex.

Soon enough, he dug into my sex. His tounge plunged into my hole roughly. I gasped loudly, my eyes opening widely. My eyes were bloodshot from crying. Ace roughly thrusted in and out. Pain consumed me. Screams erupted from my mouth. A painful, unfamiliar feeling erupted inside of my stomach. Everything was too much. It hurts. It hurts so much. This kept going on for a few moments. My eyes closed as tears continued streaming and Ace continued his assault on my body.

Suddenly, I heard a loud sound and Ace fell limb on my body. I felt numb. I couldn't open my eyes. I couldn't speak. I couldn't breathe. I couldn't move.

"I've got you, baby." Someone cried out.

That was the last thing I heard until I was out completely.

Chapter 15 is finished!!! What do you think? Please comment any suggestions and editing mistakes. I'm sorry to anyone who went through something like this. Know that you are loved. Don't give up. You can do this :)

This chapter is a lot. Ace found out about Evelyn's escape plan. Who saved her?

Word Count (928)

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