WTF Kylie?!

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The Pack house up top.

Evelyn's POV

The sun shined brightly through the window as I slowly opened my eyes. I turned to Kylie who was sleeping peacefully on the bed. She is so beautiful.

'Do we have to go home? It's the weekend.' Skyler mumbled, sadly.

'Skylar, we're going home and that's final.' I whispered.

'But, I want to stay and cuddle with mate!' She screamed, angrily.

'Not today, Skyler.' I sighed out.

Before she could protest, I closed the mindlink. Looking back at Kylie, I kissed her lips softly.

"Kylie, I'm going to visit my family for the weekend, okay?" I asked, caressing her cheek.

Kylie nodded tiredly, "I'll be with you later. I got some business to take care of."

I nodded, "Okay."

I stood up from the bed, walking to my closet. I got changed into a purple crop top and black leggings, I put on some black converse shoes.

I finished my morning routine and kissed Kylie on the lips one last time before walking out of the room. I walked to my car and got into the driver's seat. I started the car and began driving to the pack house. I missed my family so much.

'Let's go back to mate!' Skyler screamed.

'Skyler, relax. She said she's coming later.' I sighed out.

'No! I want to see her now!' Skyler growled.

'Skyler, what is going on with you? Your never like this.' I said, concerned.

Skyler stayed silent and I mumbled, 'Just relax Skyler. She's coming later.'

About 20 minutes later, I got to the house. I pulled up into the huge driveway and got out of the car.

My mom came running outside screaming, "Baby, your home! I missed you so much!"

I smiled and hugged her tightly, "I missed you too."

'Don't hug anyone except your mate!' Skyler gritted out.

'What...' I started before my dad hugged me tightly.

"Pumpkin, how are you?" He asked, pulling away.

"I'm good, dad." I said, smiling.

My father nodded and Derek ruffled my hair playfully, "Hey, little sis. Come inside."

I followed them inside and we started catching up with each other. Turns out my dad is going to pass the Alpha title to Derek soon.

"I found my mate, Evelyn." Derek said, smiling.

"Seriously? That's awesome! Who is she?" I asked, happily.

"Her name is Sandra. You'll love her." Derek said, lovingly.

"Where is she?" I asked him.

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