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Lucas up top.

Evelyn's POV

"Lucas, what are you doing here?" I asked, confused.

"I came to see you. Is there a problem?" He asked, smirking.

"Lucas, this is serious. What are you doing here? You need to leave before Kylie finds out your here." I told him, sternly.

Lucas frowns, "I missed you, so I wanted to come and see you."

Lucas walks over to me, pulling me into a hug. I hugged him back, wrapping my arms around his neck. Lucas is my best friend. Ever since I moved, I haven't seen him. In all honesty, I missed him too.

"I missed you too, Lucas. But, that isn't the real reason your here, is it? You could've called me and we could've hung out." I mumbled, pulling away.

He sighed, "I want you to come back."

"What do you mean? I can visit you when I go back home." I muttered.

"I know, but I want you to stay home." Lucas told me.

"I have a mate. Don't worry though, I'll visit all the time. It's not too far away. You should leave though. Kylie won't like that you came unannounced." I mumbled.

"You should come later today. We can hang out?" He asked.

I nodded, "Sure we can hang out."

"I'll see you later." He mumbled, walking out the front door.

"Who was that?" Kylie gritted out.

I jumped slightly. Shit, she scared me. When did she wake up?

"My friend. I'm going to go home, later." I told her.

"To see your so called friend?" She asked, her eyes black.

"His name is Lucas and yes...Why?" I asked, confused.

Why is she acting like this? He's my friend, not my mate.

Kylie growled, "You can't go see him."

"What? Yes I can." I told her.

"I won't tell you again. If I see you visiting him, I'll put him in the pack prison for trespassing on my territory." She gritted out.

"You can't do that! He's my friend. What is wrong with you, Kylie?!" I screamed, angrily.

She glared at me, her eyes piercing through my body. I shouldn't say anything else to make her more angry. But, I did.

"I'm going home and you can't stop me." I told her, walking towards the stairs.

Kylie grabbed my hips, pinning me to the wall."Your mine! No one else's."

"I'm visiting my friend whether you like it or not." I told her, frustrated.

Kylie growled and threw me over her shoulder walking up the stairs.

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