I Love You, Not Her!

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Kylie's wolf up top.

Kylie's POV

I walked out of Evelyn's room, pulling Rebecca with me. I pushed her into my room and she giggled. What the fuck is her problem?

"What the fuck are you doing here Rebecca?" I asked, trying to stay calm.

"I came to see you, baby." She cheered.

'Let's kill the bitch!' Amber screamed.

'Wait.' I told her.

"I warned you not to come back." I gritted out, glaring at her.

Rebecca's face fell and she whined, "But, I wanted to see you"

"You hurt my mate!" I yelled .

She shrugged and said "She's a bitch. You don't need her. You have me."

Anger boiled inside me and I grabbed her neck, pushing her into the wall.

"W-What are you doing?" She stuttered out, fear in her eyes.

"You hurt my pack members! You hurt my mate! Who do you think you are?!" I screamed, tightening my grip around her neck.

"S-Stop." She whispered, tears threatening to fall.

"You think I didn't know what you were doing in there?! I'm not stupid like you!" I screamed.

My claws digged into her neck, drawing blood. She gasped in pain. My claws continued digging into her neck.

All at once, I heard a snap. Rebecca's body fell limb on the floor. I washed my hands before walking out of my room towards Evelyn's room. I lightly knocked on her door.

"Evelyn? Can I talk to you?" I asked from outside the door.

"Go fuck yourself!" She screamed.

Sighing, I opened the door. Evelyn layed on her bed as tears stream down her face. Sadness washed over my face.

"Evelyn, please let me explain?" I asked, softly.

"Explain what?! That your with that bitch?! Your my mate and you defended her! It doesn't matter though. Go be with her. I don't give a fuck!" She yelled.

"It's not like that, I promise. She..." I started, but Evelyn interrupted.

"Save it. I don't need your excuses." She said, wiping her tears.

"Please Evelyn..." I started, but was interrupted again.

"I'll let you stay here because of the deal my dad made with your's. That's it though." Evelyn mumbled before closing her eyes.

Sighing, I layed on the bed. As I'm about to wrap my arms around her, she moved.

"Don't." She whispered.

Tears threatened to fall, but I held them in. Eventually, Evelyn fell asleep. I stood up and walked outside. The wind blew my hair and I shifted into my wolf. I let Amber take over.

I was left with my thoughts. I wish Evelyn would let me explain. I know she's mad at me. But, it's not what she thinks. Rebecca always wanted to be the Luna of my pack. I refused because she wasn't my mate. She went crazy and started hurting my pack members. She managed to escape and I vowed I would kill her the next time I saw her. When she came into Evelyn's room, I knew what she was doing. It took everything in me not to rip her head off right there and then. I couldn't though. I had to play along so she wouldn't escape again. Rebecca would think I was on her side, that's far from true though.

I ran through the woods for a while until I saw the sun start to rise. I headed back to the room and Evelyn wasn't there. She probably went to breakfast. I shifted back and changed into blue sweatshirt and black leggings. I slipped on my black converse and walked to the cafeteria.

Evelyn's POV

I don't care that Kylie is with her ex. That's not my problem.

'I care.' Skyler whined.

'I know, Skyler.' I sighed.

'Let her explain.' Skyler whimpered.

'Explain what, Skyler? It's obvious that she's with her ex. There's nothing to explain. You saw what she did in my room.' I mumbled out.

'But...' Skyler started, but I interrupted.

'Please Skyler. Just stop.' I told her.

Skyler stayed silent and I ate some food.

"Evelyn, are you okay?" Sarah asked me.

I looked at Sarah and said, "Yeah, I'm fine."

The doors to the cafeteria slammed open and Kylie started walking towards my table. Great.

"Evelyn, can I please talk to you?" She asked, tears clouding her vision.

Why was she about to cry? Sighing, I stood up and followed her. I'm just going to hear what she has to say for Skyler's sake. Kylie led me into my room and sat on the bed. I sat down next to her.

"Explain." I said, sighing.

Kylie nodded and said, "Rebecca wanted to be Luna, but I refused because she wasn't my mate. She started torturing and killing my pack members, but she escaped before I could catch her. She came back and I played along so she wouldn't escape this time. Please, believe me. I never meant to hurt you. She's dead now."

My eyes widened at her confession and I hugged her tightly. Kylie had shock written all over her face. I guess she didn't expect me to hug her?

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have gotten mad at you." I whispered as Kylie hugged me back.

"I understand why you were mad though." Kylie said smiling.

My head went to the crook of her neck and I breathed in her scent.

"Um... can I take you out?" Kylie asked, nervously.

I looked at her and asked,"Out? Like a date?"

Kylie nodded and I smiled, "I would love to."

Kylie breathed out a sigh of relief and smiled. We both got up from the bed and started walking to class.

Before I walked to my seat, Kylie whispered, "I'll pick you up at four, baby."

My face got red and I nodded. I sat in my seat and class started.

Chapter 6 is done!!! What do you think? Please comment any suggestions and editing mistakes. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Have a great day :)

Evelyn is going on a date with Kylie. I hope they have fun. 😅

Word Count (1008)

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