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Rouge wolves up top.

Third POV

Evelyn layed on her bed, passed out, while her mom watched over her. Meanwhile, rouges managed to pass boarder patrol and caught sight of Alpha Jackson and his son Derek.

"Who are you and why are you on my territory?!" Alpha Jackson growled out.

"Your daughter. Your daughter is the reason we're here." The head rouge said.

"What do you want with my daughter?!" Alpha Jackson asked, glaring at him.

"That is not your concern. Either hand her over willingly or we'll take her with force." Another rouge said, sounding unusually calm.

Meanwhile, Alpha Jackson was pissed. Why  did these rouges want his daughter? Why did Kylie send rouges to his territory? Why did she break the deal?

"Get off my territory!" Alpha Jackson gritted out.

Evelyn's POV

My head was pounding. Voices surrounded me. I tried to open my eyes, but I couldn't. All I saw was darkness. Why couldn't I open my eyes?! Panic erupted inside of me as I continued trying to open my eyes.

Finally, my eyes fluttered open. I immediately closed them because of the sun shining through the window. It is way to bright in here. Rubbing my eyes, I finally got used to the light.

"Evelyn! Oh my gosh! Evelyn your awake!" My mom screamed, tears streaming down her face.

My head immediately began pounding harder. "Please, mom. Not to loud."

"Oh, sorry baby. How are you feeling?" She asked, concerned.

Surprisingly, I didn't feel to bad. My chest wasn't hurting as bad as it did before. However, my head pounded like crazy.

"I'm fine, mom. Just a little headache." I mumbled, rubbing my temples.

"Oh, honey. Let me give you some Tylenol." She said, putting her hand up to my head, checking for a fever.

All of a sudden, I heard a loud growl coming from my father.

"Mom, I have to go help dad." I told her, standing up from the bed.

"No, you have to rest. Your hurt." My mom said, sternly.

"Please mom." I asked.

"No. Lay back down. They'll be fine." My mom told me.

Sighing, I sat back down on the bed.

"You know, it's unusual. The pain you had, I mean. Your chest pain and your head. Kinda similar to the pain I had before I went through heat." My mom, muttered, deep in thought.

Heat? There is no way I was about to go through heat. Right?

"Your not about to go through heat, though. You haven't even found your mate." My mom smiled, looking at me.

Shit, I have to get out of here. Right now.

"Mom, I'm so hungry. I'm going to get something to eat." I said, about to stand up.

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