He Sees

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"Brother... Kaiser you can't keep doing this.."

He looked at me solemnly. I knew what he was talking about... all to well...

"I know Ryü.. I know.. but I have come to accept it now. There's not much I'm gonna be able to do once I'm gone. Tera still needs me. Im needing to return for that whole Kjerag thing.."

In the waking world... Kaiserin is the most worried. Currently Enterprise, Belfast, and Queen Elizabeth are watching Kaisers Vitals drop and even out. It's worrying the girls to such an extent even Bismarck got word.

"What's going on with him..?" Enterprise asked with a nervous expression.

"He has something eating at him. Something he's trying to keep under control but can't anymore. His temperature is.. cold... not like him at all-"

Then suddenly the formerly comatose man shot up scaring everyone in the room save for Kaiserin. He let out a sharp exhale as if it hurt to breathe before turning to everyone.

"We need to visit Iron Blood. NOW!"

*Timeskip, Valentina POV*

Here we sit on Kaisers bridge.. I never have been on his ship, its... to say it's a big ship is an understatement.. he let me sit in the captains chair since he wouldn't be doing much sitting in his own words, it's not made for a small woman like me but it's comfortable.

To my left is Bismarck and Kaiserin. Both have worried looks on their faces. Bismarck won't admit it but she does care for him. He did spare her, even more so from what the new sirens were doing.

To my right is Enterprise and, to my utter shock, Yorktown... I have no idea why she'd be here but her words were "You need someone with a calm head." Can't fault her there.. and the last persons of interest..

Belfast and Queen Elizabeth.

Belfast I don't think is capable of causing an issue with him, to be honest I think she sees him a brother or father in some cases. It's Elizabeth im worried about... she's constantly pestering him with her peasant line... im worried he might snap.

"Kaiserin.. I hate to say it but QE might piss him off." I say to her quietly. Even though I know he can hear us.

"I know she will. But my opinion commander? I think her getting put in her place would be a good thing. Show her she isn't the 'top dog' so to speak, and that there's always something bigger than oneself." She replied not bothering to open her eyes.

Then... it happens.. the ship screeches to a hault and I was nearly flung off the seat if Kaiserin didn't catch me. We look to the front of the bridge and see... an annoyed Kaiser and a bewildered Elizabeth.. Belfast looks at her queen and I can see remorse in her eyes..

"Elizabeth. I don't know what you think you accomplish by ordering ME around on MY own ship! But you do not disrespect a captain on his own vessel let alone his crew." He stand up from his position above the radar, even Yorktown is taken back by his sudden outburst.

"I will tell you this one damn time missy: I am not a peasant. I am not your servant. And I sure as hell ain't yours to fuckin' command. Neither is my love. And now Im gonna ask you this once and if you don't oblige I'm not gonna be nice: Get. Off. My. Ship."

Elizabeth... looked offended that someone talked down to her, literally in this case.. she looks at Belfast as if wanting the maid to attack him only to receive a shake of the head. Much to her anger.

"I don't see why I can't have a say in this. After all being dragged here-" she was cut off immediately

"For one) You weren't fucking dragged here! I didn't even come to you! I came to Belfast because I think highly of her as my friend, I didn't force her to come, I didn't force ANYONE on this ship to come, I ASKED BECAUSE I WANTED MY FRIENDS HELP WITH WHAT I WAS DOING!" He screamed

"I do not have the fucking luxury of being looked so highly upon that I don't need to ask, that I can just order to be helped. Nor do I EVER want that luxury. You followed onto my ship without permission because of Bel, despite her leaving the care of everyone to.. I can't remember her name I do apologize Bel... and not disturbing the work flow." He was now pacing.

I was glancing to Kaiserin and for once in this entire trip her eyes were open.. they were not pointed at him but at Elizabeth... and filled with anger.. Bismarck looked like she was expecting this to happen, Enterprise was surprised he was capable of yelling at someone and Yorktown. She looks like she's gonna calm things down soon.

"So I ask you one more damn time: get off my ship."


With that simple word he looked like he was going to murder everything... he looked at Belfast before saying

"Belfast? I am truly sorry for what's about to happen and will take any and all punishment you Royal Navy gals give to me."

"What are you-"

He cut her off by picking up Elizabeth, walking out the bridge and throwing her as hard as he could off his ship.

Just a moment later we see the ship in question emerge. Covered in seaweed but now aiming her weapons at Kaisers ship.

"Elizabeth, you really don't want me as an enemy." Kaiser yelled over coms.


"My Queen please... think against this decision..." We all could hear Belfast pleading on coms, none of us wanted to see the bloodbath about to spill...

"No, Bel, let her say her mind." He said ever so calmly..

"You disrespected a queen! And for that the price is death!" Everyone gasped, even Bismarck who up until this point was stoic, Kaiser motioned everyone to get into the bridge and as they did they heard the roar of canons...

Kaiser? Kaiser was grinning. As the shells hit the hull of his ship and plinked out of existence he was grinning.

Then it was over, and Elizabeth? She came to her senses far too late.

"Kaiser... I- I am sorry-"

"No. You made your point. You don't trust me. Don't trust me enough even going so far as to fire on Belfast, Enterprise, Yorktown, Bismarck, Kaiserin AND THE COMMANDER. You just threatened the lives of people you see as friends. Now wanna see what I think of that?"

He was angry now.. we could see it... then we heard it. A low hum as the railgun turret turned to point at Elizabeth... she wouldn't survive...

"Kaiser stop-" everyone tried to yell but a single loud bang was heard at the gun discharged. But Elizabeth was spared... the rock face that was near her? It wasn't so lucky...

"Now you remember I can wipe you off the face this earth. If I really wanted I could kill you. But I won't, and I don't want to. For one everyone is my family, even you after this. Now when we get back to base we are going to have a looooong talk about friend and foe you understand?"

"Completely, Sir..."

"Good, now climb back aboard. Im faster anyways."

After that he came back in and turned to us

"Sorry for that scare. Just got tired of the attitude. Sometimes you need to show someone the hard way. Now when she gets back on let's continue to Iron Blood, they would have heard that shot."

Kaiserin gets up from her chair and floats towards him simply embracing him. As he embraced back they set sail once again.

"Who's hungry? I've worked up an appetite."

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