Chapter 7

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Mine was opened real quick but i dont think they took the time to read it.

I noticed that Kevin would always peep a look at me and smirk.

'He does it to all of his digaz' i thought.

'Alright we got our three winners' Devin starts off. 'misfit.regine, fallinautumn and yagirlmmm' says Kevin.

Our hearts dropped.

'Would yall come up' said Daniel.

The girl Margaret went up.

But then it suddenly got silent. Everywhere. It just felt like time froze.

'Are the rest of you guys here?' says Devin

'Here we are' Autumn said.

Walking on stage I smirked and looked down as Kevin takes my hand up.

Devin was already kinda into Margaret i could tell.

Autumns hands were soaking wet. When Daniel grabbed Autumn's hand he wiped his hand behind his back. He wasnt that much lowkey about it.

They kept us on stage as they sang 'Closer'. They sang to us and it was adorable. But i wasnt big of a fan of Kevin. Yet in that moment there was a spark in my brain that got me thinking different.

*Autumn and Margaret are not real. Those are just fake accounts*

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