2: Debriefing

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[OP: The Valley--The Oh Hellos.]

While the girls were getting more supplies, Sai was sent to inform the others who would be traveling that they were leaving.

When Ino was finished frantically packing stuff--and Camie made more suggestions that Momo didn't really think were necessary, but Ino seemed to agree with--they left the house and saw Sakura coming out of her house not that far away.

"I so forgot you live on the same street," Camie said.

"I...want to know how you knew that at all..." Ino said. "But honestly, Sakura has been kind of on my case about going on this for so many days...can we not?"

"Sure," Camie said.

"It would be rude to ignore her," Momo said. "We should be on good terms with Sakura."

Sakura saw them and stared, then she came hurrying up.

"I don't believe it, you're really doing this?" She said. "I really thought you weren't coming."

"Surprise!" Camie said, with a smile. "Did you change your mind about going?"

"No, I still can't till later," Sakura said. "Wow..." She eyed Ino. "That's a big bag."

"Well, I know that we're not focused on speed, so I didn't want to be underprepared," Ino said tightly.

Sakura shrugged. "You know, Naruto's been saying that you convinced Sasuke to go with you, but, I don't believe it. I think Sasuke left the village again."

"No, he didn't," Caime said before Momo could warn her to be more discreet. "He's been at Neji's house the whole time, did you not know that? Sheesh."

"What?!" Sakura said loudly.

"Oh is that where he was?" Ino said, not as surprised. "I guess that explains it."

"Did he never see any of you in all this time?" Momo said.

"No..." Sakura said.

"Whoa, he's good at hiding from people, I'll give him that," Camie said. "Naruto had no clue then?"

"No..." Sakura said. "Where is Naruto?"

"I'm sure he's going to meet us there, if Sai told him we're going," Momo said.

Sakura crossed her arms. "This I have to see for myself."

"If you're sure that's wise," Momo said.

"Excuse me? Why wouldn't it be?" Sakura was already on edge.

"Oh... nothing," Momo said. "Just that it's still kind of awkward, that's all. At least, I could imagine it being awkward, but if it doesn't bother you, then nevermind."

"Awkward? Why?" Sakura said.

"Because Sasuke's kind of still, you know, eeh..." Camie made a face.

"Oh and so it's not awkward for you, but it would be for me?" Sakura said angrily.

Ino knew that they had a point. She wasn't sure where Sasuke's head was, but if he'd wanted to see his teammates, he would have...she wasn't as delusional as Naruto was about it.

She wouldn't have thought Sakura would be either, but maybe it was just when two almost strangers were saying it that got on her nerves.

She did follow them back.

Ino hadn't been to the house before, and was amazed at how big it was.

"Yamato is where it's at, huh?" Camie said.

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