25: Sasuke's Compromise

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[OP: "Second Child, Restless Child"--The Oh Hellos]

"Well...I'd better get to work on this," Sakura said hastily. "Momo, if you could make the thing, let's go into the library. Maybe I can find a reference book for rare toxins..."

"I think the hospital would be more likely to have that," Hinata said timidly. 

"It's a start," Sakura said.

"Of course," Momo said. They left at once.

"I'm going to catch up with Mei-sama and see who's going to be helping us," Temari announced to no one in particular.

"Yes," Gaara agreed. "And probably someone should notify Kakashi about Neji missing... They may wish to know."

Sai nodded.

"And also could you ask him if he has ever heard of this fog attack? We shouldn't assume it would only be present in Mist Village," Gaara added.

"Where did Lisktar-san go?" Sasuke asked, since no one was speaking to him or even making eye contact.

Dabi snarled. "Why would we tell you that? I think you've said enough for one day, Prick."

"It's no concern of yours what I say," Sasuke said. "I need to confer with her."

"You mean you want to say something else to make her upset," Shoto said.

"I don't really think she was upset." Sasuke shouldn't have argued if he was trying to get what he wanted, but he was never wise about that kind of thing. "She seemed quite calm before. If anything she was upset at you."

"Shine only wanted me to stay out of trouble," Shoto said darkly. "But I won't allow you to make her cry."

"Her?" Sasuke said, derisively. "That would never happen."

"Do you think he believes that or he's just trying to make them angry?" Shikamaru muttered to Ino.

"Either way, I don't think Shoto is in the right mood to mess with," Ino said. "Sometimes that guy is scarier than Sasuke when he's angry."

"I think it's just that you expect it with Sasuke and not with him," Tenten mused. Shoto was creeping her out too.

None of the others thought they could take Shoto in a fight anyway.

Dabi, the only one who could have competed with him, had no wish to step in here. He was just frowning at Sasuke darkly.

Shoto stepped toward Sasuke with such a purpose that Sasuke almost wanted to back up but felt it would look weak.

"Let me make something clear to you," Shoto said, and he almost sounded just like his dad, if he could have heard himself. Dabi almost flinched. "I tolerate your presence here out of respect for Shine and Wally. But if you threaten them, or if you are cruel to Shine and try to torment her again, I won't hesitate to make sure you cannot harm them again."

It wasn't a very creative threat, but he sounded like he meant it.

Sasuke was hating him more and more, since he hated anyone who made him feel inferior.

"Your respect for them is not much if you'd go against what they want so easily," he said, with an unpleasant look.

Karin shuddered; she knew that tone.

"Ooh," Dabi said. "I think he wants you to kill him, Snowflake."

"Shut up," Shoto said to Dabi, though he didn't take his cold gaze off Sasuke, as if he knew Sasuke could just attack him if he got the chance.

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