3: Team Taka

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[OP: "Torches"-- The Oh Hellos]

Hinata swallowed. The edge of the blade was against her throat.

"That's a Hyuga, you idiot." A red haired girl with glasses appeared out of the trees, scolding the guy with the sword. "You're going to start trouble."

"Let her go." Neji appeared, palms up.

Wally then popped into view much faster and more clumsily than a ninja would have.

"Wait wait," he said, grabbing Neji's arm. "I know these guys. Hey kids, remember me?"

"Kids?" the guy with the sword said.

"What...? Wait, you were that weird guy with those...other weird people," the girl said. 

Suddenly a third guy charged out of the trees and slammed into Wally--or he would have, but Wally moved and he ran into a tree instead.

He was misshapen, with dark marks all over his skin.

"Jugo, wait a second..." the guy with the sword said.

"Team Taka, right?" Wally said, letting go of Neji. "What's his problem?"

"Uh...yeah, we're Team... But how did you...?" the glasses girl said oddly.

"Karen, right?" Wally glanced at her.

"Karin," she corrected.

"And...Suishi or something," Wally said.

"Suigetsu!" he cried.

"And Jugo, of course," Wally said. "I feel a little bad for him."

Jugo turned to him and said, "I'll kill you!" and then he laughed crazily.

"Uh, West-sensei," Hinata squeaked.

Jugo lunged at Wally, who dodged again.

"He's unhinged," Neji said.

"Yeah, he does that," Suigetsu said. "I just hope he knows Karin and I are on his side right now. Without Sasuke here, we can't really stop him, but he was doing better till I attacked you. Must have set off his killer instincts."

"I remember now--he's got some issues," Wally said. "All of you stay back. I'll get him."

Jugo whirled around again and looked at him.

This time Wally ducked his charge and gripped his arm instead.

"Calm down, buddy," he said. "That chakra stuff is pretty gross, isn't it? All right, leave him alone."

"Leave him alone?" Karin repeated. "What are you doing? He's going to kill you if you stand that close."

Jugo did lift his other hand, but then he stopped suddenly.

The curse markings retreated from his skin and his eyes went back to normal.

Hinata gasped in relief.

"I see," Neji said. "He's also one of those... Well, I'm glad you were here, West-sensei. I would have just fought him."

"Yeah, you don't want to do that. He's kind of a problem," Wally said.

Jugo blinked. "What...what happened?"

"What...what did you just do?" Karin pushed up her glasses. "His chakra just...stabilized."

"Well, I do have a calming effect on people," Wally joked.

The other ninja all ran into the small clearing right then. They'd hear the yelling.

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