43: Rivalry and Check In 2

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[OP: "Constellations"]

Dabi was surprised when Sasuke addressed him directly.

"I want to know something," he said flatly.

"Good," Dabi said sarcastically. "That's a good sign for you. I hope it's not how to kill someone."

Sasuke was not amused and just gave him a sour look.

"In the interest of speeding this up, what is it?" Dabi asked resolutely.

"I heard someone say that you and Shoto have a rivalry," Sasuke said, "but not one of your own choice. Is that true?"

"Someone's been talking s--- about me?" Dabi asked.

Sasuke decided not to say Shine had mentioned it, since he hadn't been supposed to listen to that conversation.

"I just heard it somewhere," he said instead.

"Why the sudden interest?" Dabi said.

"You keep talking about yourself," Sasuke replied. "And if I have one question, that's not sudden interest. You should just clarify it."

"Why does it matter anyway?" Dabi said. "What's it to you? You're not interested in our lives."

He got stony silence.

But since Dabi couldn't resist talking about himself, he caved in after a brief pause.

"Our father wanted the ideal masterpiece, genetically," he said finally. "Took him 4 tries. But I was the first one he thought might work. But I couldn't cut it. I didn't like that. Eventually realized that it was hopeless. Some people just aren't born with the right power or luck. But I resented him for being a massive a--h--- about it. I still resent that. Snowflake does too, so we have that in common, but I still hated the little punk for being so freaking perfect. And he didn't even want it. He just got pushed into it. I hated him, but I did feel sorry for him in a weird way. I knew how crushing those expectations were. Weird mix of both. More hatred, though, till recently."

"So you actually just gave up?" Sasuke said, as if that was stupid.

"What should I do, try to kill him for real?" Dabi said. "I thought about it, sure. Maybe I would have...but there's no sense in it now. It's not his fault, much as I hate to admit it.  My father was just a nutcase, and society is just corrupt. Shoto isn't to blame for that, but I thought he would fall into it and I would want to burn it down. Turns out he doesn't really like it either, but he wants to change things legally. I don't think there's much chance of that, but I'm not doing it any good either with my schtick, so who's to say? Maybe things can change...maybe not. But we're not after each other now. That's the end of the rivalry. And it was never something either of us wanted. Why the interest in that?"

"It's different than shinobi." Sasuke saw no reason to repeat himself, but he was trying to figure something out about where they were actually from.

"I guess slightly," Dabi said, testily. "But plenty of heroes still think the same way as you idiots. Just ask Blasty. He had a rivalry going with this other little brat. Only I guess it's more amiable now. The DJs don't do that rivalry thing though."

"Yes, they disparaged that," Sasuke said cautiously. "But they're not shinobi."

"Because they're not stupid. Competing for something that doesn't matter that much is dumb. It took me a lot longer to get that than it should have. My father's approval wasn't worth winning and neither was the world's. Only one approval matters, and that's the Above." He pointed up. "What else could matter in the long run? It's brilliant, I think. Stick it to society by rising above it, not below it."

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