4: Truths and Lies

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[OP: "Like the Dawn"--The Oh Hellos]

With their 3 new additions, the group walked for the rest of the day till it got dark.

The ninja would have kept going, but the heroes were tired, and they'd made good enough time that Temari was okay with rest, though they'd lost an hour earlier.

The shinobi said lighting a fire was a good way to get spotted, while the DJs argued that it would keep wild animals away at least and they didn't need to worry that much about everyone looking for them.

Finally, they won the argument when they agreed to have people take watches as a compromise...which puzzled Team Taka.

"Man, my feet hurt." Camie rubbed them. "I even got shape ups for this."

"I'm accustomed to running on the treadmill for training, but this ground is more uneven. I think that's why," Momo said. "I guess we'll get used to it."

Sasuke climbed into a tree and intended to sleep in it also, where he wouldn't have to talk to anyone.

Wally shook his head.

"He's acting like he's going to run," he said to Shine.

"It's only the first day," she said. "He hasn't walked away yet... We'll see if he does during the night."

Temari heard them and was surprised that they were so casual about it.

She didn't feel quite safe with Sasuke glaring down at them like that, but Gaara didn't see this as hostile.

In fact, Sasuke seemed more bored than hostile even to his fellow Leaf.

Shikamaru wondered why he'd joined at all, but was going to waste too much time thinking about it.

Sai took advantage of the pause to sketch some things.

Momo lay down on her blanket she'd brought and opened up one of her books she was going over for this trip. She'd decided not to bring school books, since they'd be back in time to finish homework if this went well, so she just had the ones from Shine's reading list.

Dabi also had a few with him. He started going through one. 

"I'm bored," Camie announced after huddling by the fire for a few minutes without anyone talking to her.

"So?" Bakugo said, though he had nothing to do either.

"Just go to sleep," Neji suggested, laying down.

"It's a little early for that," Camie said.

"Early?" Ino said. "Not really. And there's another long day walking tomorrow."

"Make sure you don't sleep too near to any of us," Karin said to Suigetsu testily. "You turn into a puddle sometimes at night."

"Hey, it's not my fault," Suigetsu said. "Actually it's kind of yours if you think about it." [It's said in that arc that Karin helped experiment on Suigetsu.]

"Shut up!" Karin snapped at him.

"Come on, Baku, can't we play a game or something?" Camie tapped his shoulder. 

"Why would I want to do that?" Bakugo said.

But Camie figured it wasn't a no.

"It'll be a challenge," she said. "'Sides, we've been exercising our bods all day. You don't want your brain to get dull, do you? You know what they say about all work and no play."

"Do you play games while you're on missions?" Sai looked up. "That seems like a bad idea."

"It's not like there's anything else to do right now," Camie.said "We should play 2 truths and a lie. It's super intuitive."

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