11: The Mizukage

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[OP: "The Truth Is a Cave"--The Oh Hellos.]

The Mizukage was waiting for them in her office, and even if she might have been tired from so many meetings, she gave no sign of it.

She looked pretty much the same as when they'd last seen her, except that she was not dirty from battle and her clothes were repaired.

She stood up to bow to them, and they all returned it.

"Lord Gaara," she said, "welcome to Mist Village. How was your journey?"

"It was a very easy journey," Gaara said.

Not counting the scuffle they had just had, the others thought.

Suigetsu was trying to hide behind Karin and Jugo, who were too much shorter than him to make this very effective.

Sasuke held back but knew it was no use; he was too easy to recognize.

"I see you brought a large party." Mei surveyed them all. "I remember your siblings and...your teacher?"

Shine and Wally nodded.

"Nice to see you again, ma'am," Shine said politely.

"Uh...likewise." Wally wasn't great at formal talk. Shine always managed to sound naturally elegant when the situation called for it, but Wally couldn't if he tried, which Momo knew from watching their interactions with her own teachers.

Mei thankfully was not the type to mind.

"And some Leaf also, I see. I'm glad to see so many young people taking an interest in peace." She smiled. "And Naruto, you're here. I'm a little surprised you weren't swarmed with fans."

"Eh, well, you know..." Naruto said, a little bashfully.

Mei did not take notice of Team Taka at first, but then she looked again.

"You look familiar," she mused. "Weren't you in the War? I see no headbands though... Wait a moment--" She had finally seen the one person no one was sure about.

Chojuro had said nothing, not sure if he should or just let her see for herself.

Mei stood up again and moved forward around her desk. "Sasuke Uchiha," she said, in a different tone. "What is this?"

It might have been better if Sasuke had put on his Leaf headband at least, but of course he would never have done that.

"I can explain, Lady Mei," Gaara said.

"I hope so," Mei said. She was an even tempered woman, and she didn't sound that angry--yet, but that didn't tell them what she really thought.

Shine watched her closely. She was taking in Sasuke's whole appearance and then glancing at Taka and probably putting together who they were. Then she looked at Gaara quizzically.

"I know it's shocking," Gaara said. "But we did have a good reason for asking him to join us."

"I heard that Leaf let him off," Mei rather unprofessionally phrased it. "But I didn't believe it was quite so simple. This is not the turn of events I expected."

"He joined this mission of his own free will," Gaara said. "To atone for his actions."

Sasuke didn't look very repentant right then. Or ever, really. Not one of them thought, even Naruto, that Mei would buy that statement.

"Is that so?" Mei clearly didn't. "That is quite a change. Attone for what exactly?"

"She should get the list," Dabi said in a low voice. Momo made a shushing motion at him.

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