12: Check In 1

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[OP: "The Lament of Eustace Scrubb"--The Oh Hellos]

"We're finally here," Momo commented to Temari and Hinata.

"Yeah..." Temari was looking out the window with a somber expression.

"Is something wrong?" Momo asked.

"I know that Gaara is planning to tell Lady Mei about what's happened to us," Temari said. "I know we can't hide it forever, but I have no idea what she'll think. This mission could be over as soon as it starts."

"She would have to listen, right?" Hinata said meekly. "She couldn't ignore it."

"That's just it--she could ignore it," Temari said. "So is it a good thing or a bad thing? I'm not usually nervous."

"This is new," Mmo said. "But isn't new what you wanted? I'm sure, if she really wants that, she'll at least consider if he's right."

"But we don't do this, you realize." Temari turned to face her. "Shinobi don't talk about this kind of thing. You have your private or your family convictions, but villages themselves only talk about the Will of the Village. It could be considered a little cheeky to insist on talking bout it." [I wrote this before I watched a video about religion in Japan that basically said the same thing about people not talking about their personal beliefs. It's funny what you can pick up from observing a show.]

"But Mei really doesn't seem like the sort of woman who would think so," Momo said. "I remember her as a kind woman."

"I hope she's still kind," Temari said.

"But," Hinata said quietly, "I want people to know there's a way to...to undo the harm of our curses. Our burdens. Isn't that...worth some risk?"

Temari sighed and leaned on the wall. "Well, perhaps you're more gutsy than I am after all, then, because I just keep thinking of what could go wrong."

"Well, you're a thinker," Momo said. "I am too. But Mr. West has told me that I can't be so busy thinking about things that could go wrong that I forget to pick up my feet and start moving. Shoto is much better than I am at just taking action. I hope that he will rub off on me."

"What would possess you to come here at all if you thought of what could go wrong?" Temari wondered wryly. "This is a strange world--I'm sure more could go wrong than anywhere else."

"Statistically speaking, is it really more likely than at home? At least here I don't have enemies already," Momo said lightly, but then she sombered. "I did think about it. And...well, it almost happened the first time we were here. But a hero cannot not do a thing because it's dangerous. I guess I know that. In that way, a hero and a believer have to think the same. If you wouldn't die for what you do, then you're not really cut out for it. That's how heroes think. Same thing with believers. Truly, I don't know where I got the courage to do this. Maybe it was a gift. When I think what my mother would say if she knew I was here..." 

Hinata laughed faintly because she knew exactly how her parents would feel if they knew the real reason she was here.

Temari didn't laugh. She didn't have a mother to worry about her. She had to take care of herself.

"I didn't mean that to be insensitive," Momo said, suddenly.

"No, you're lucky," Temari said. "Maybe you haven't had to grow up as fast... It's a little weird though--you were the same age as me before. Now you're younger. Maybe that's why."

"I like to think I don't worry less just for being a few years younger than you," Momo said. "Shine says age is just a number anyway. I guess that's an American saying. Young heroes are meant to act like adults, just with less authority."

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