Amara / Vata

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Reclothed, a sack of bloodied something's placed in my hands. I don't have a name for him. And so far, he hasn't spoken a word to us.

Gesturing towards the meat, he moves his hand to his mouth. "Food..." I state.

"You're going to make her sick, Smeagol." Says Dominic, taking the offering.

He goes to the two, huddled up by the fire, to cook it. I try to communicate with him, to get a name from him. "Amara," I state, pointing to myself.

He doesn't respond verbally, just a look. I repeat my name, and it's played back to me as if it were a recording that was speeded up.

"Amara, Amara, Amara...."

Well, that's creepy as hell. But I give him a small smile to show that I'm pleased.

"Amara," I state, once again pointing to myself and then to him.

I received a few short clicks in response. And not understanding, I nod and give up.

Donning his mask, these creatures are a sight to behold. Omg... I make to touch him again, and I'm halted by a low growl.

Okay, I get it. I can't just be taking liberties like that.

One final look in my direction, and he disappears from sight. "Hey... damn."

Looking at the ground, there are no footprints to follow. "I thought that he'd never leave." Says Travis.

"Do somebody want to tell us what's going on?"

"Miss. Muffet has an admirer." Replies, Dominic.

"Yeah, we can see that." Says James, the teacher.

"We'll look for the others after we've eaten, and then we'll bed down for the night.

"No... no... no... everyone, except me, seems to be okay with what's going on here. She literally just fondled an alien, and we're about to eat, God knows what, that it brought us. It could be Randy or Nick."

We're all quiet, listening to the teacher rant when Travis gives him a meaningful look.

"What was that about?" I ask.


"You gave him a weird, like a shut-up look."

James averts his eyes, and I'm stunned. "They're dead? What?" I make out.

"More like him?" Inquires, Dominic.

"Yes, but this was a female.

"How did you two get away?"

"We ran."

"What else could we have done?" Asks Travis.

Dominic and I exchanged a look. We'd discussed our situation, and his plan worked for me. The problem is that we're dropping like flies. And at this rate, it's time to acknowledge what's happening to us.

"All in favor of eating the meat that the alien provided?"

Dominic's being a butthole. But Travis and I both raise our hands with him.

We're full and huddled around a small fire. "I've never tasted anything like this before." Says Travis, taking a long gulp before passing the wineskin to Dominic. The humanoid gave us a fiery drink, and it's amazingly wonderful.

It instantly heats the body, warming all of the right spots. It tastes like spicy cinnamon candy but so... much better. It's heavenly.

"What's going on?" Coming to his feet, Travis is looking down at his pants when Dominic shields my eyes, but it's too late.

Removing his hands from my eyes, we both burst out in a fit of laughs. He's rocking a major boner. "Don't!" States Dominic as Travis drops his pants.

"What the..." His gaze falls to his lap, and Dominic's also in the process of removing his pants.

"Oh shit." States James, pouring the remainder of the contents on the ground.

He didn't consume any of it. And the seriousness of his voice sobers me some. But the both of them standing there with their man parts out at full salute causes another fit of giggles to spring forth.

It takes me a moment to realize that James has come to my side and pulled me to my feet. A resounding slap brings me back down to earth.

"It's an aphrodisiac." James Whispers, his gaze going from Dominic to Travis.

They're both watching us intently, panting, drawing quick, deep breaths. Slowly backing away from them, James is behind me, hands on my shoulders, guiding my steps.

Their eyes are crazed, lust-filled. Panic sets in, and with a hellish yell from them both, James and I head for the hills.

We're running for our booties, and looking back, I trip, going down hard.

James tries to help me up, but with the sex-crazed maniacs closing in, he abandons me.

Making it up just in time, I head in the opposite direction. What in the entire hell was in that drink?

Every time I leave them somewhere, I return, and they're gone. The sack of c'ntlip is empty, and following their footsteps, it looks to a hurried departure.

They're smaller than us. Their bodies can't handle the drink as ours can. Sighing, I track them. They separated... two tracks going one way and two another.

I follow hers.

Her panicked screams quicken my steps. My pace increases as her scent becomes louder.

Coming upon them, he has her cornered, and pouncing on her, he brings her down.

Grasping at her garments, he rips at them as she struggles to remove him from off of her.

She gets a glimpse of me with my spear drawn, and I attack.

Biting down hard on his shoulder, he lets out a wail. Moving away from her, my spear impaled the rock behind her head.

It strikes a mere inches from her. They're both in a state of shock and withdrawing my spear, a snarl brings them back from it.

His attention's now focused on me, and seeing the rage in his eyes, I await his final move.

Coming at me, I strike, aiming for the digestive organs. She's stepped in between us. I pull my weapon back, so as to not hurt her.


Her back to him, I draw my whip, wrapping it around his neck. Pulling, he falls to his knees, struggling to breathe. "Stop...!" She pleads.

Fretting over her mate, I hold tighter still until he collapses onto the ground.

Predator and Prey: AmaraWhere stories live. Discover now