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"I'm sure that he wasn't trying to kill you." Says Giselle, handing me a cup of tea.

"He shouldn't play like that. I could have drowned."

"Well, lesson learned. Don't play with him like that."

I came to her for consolation, not to be rebuked. And my face says just that.

"Vata's trying to build a relationship with you."

"Is this intel?"


"Do tell..."

"Aduih's teaching him our language so that he can communicate with you."

Thank god. I'd given up after trying four words. But it's sweet that he's trying to develop our relationship past a physical one.

I was attracted to his body, his strength, and the alpha in him. But I wanted more.

There's a knock on her door, and she leaves me to answer it. It's Joy. I'd recognize that heifer's voice anywhere. They're speaking in hushed tones. I creep to the door, listening.

"I can't believe it. They sacrificed three of ours for them. Outsiders... because of her. It's not right."

"It's okay. We know the rules. Our numbers must be kept low."

"But we obeyed the rules.

"It's their world and their laws. But now isn't the time to discuss it. I have company."

"Oh, I'm sorry."

"No, it's fine. I'll talk to you later."

I quickly make my way back to my seat. And take a long sip of my tea as she re-enters the room.

"Sorry about that."

"It's no problem. But I need to get back. Dominic and I are gonna do a lil bit of exploring."

"Yeah, sure. Be careful."


"So, in order for us to come here, three of their people had to die?"

"That's what I got from it. There can't be too many of us here."

We're relaxing on the pier. We called ourselves fishing. These aren't your regular earth-size fish. And they're ugly as the day is long.

"I don't know about you, but I'm missing home."

I hate to admit it, but so am I. "I miss french fries."


"What's the plan?" I ask with my head on his shoulder.

I want to stay here with Vata. But I miss my life back home.

"Steal a ship and try to fly it out of here."

"Yeah. Maybe if we learned the language first." I state, trying to come up with a better idea.

"Or we could just take the translator with us."

Liam can read their language.

"Yeah, but what about flying the ship?"

"He reads it, and we push buttons." He counters.

I don't think that we're going to get that far.

"Or I could just ask Vata."

"What are you gonna ask him? Can you take us back to earth?" He states nastily. My head is removed from his shoulder in a not-so-nice way.

"I'm just saying that maybe if I asked him..."

"Look, you may want to stay here and have ugly ass babies. But I want to get back home."

What the...

"My babies won't be ugly."

"Amara, do you really want to stay here? Because if you do, that's fine. But don't stop me and Travis from leaving.

"What? I..."

I don't know what I want. I don't want to leave Vata. But I do want to go back home, at least to visit.

"He's not going to let you go. And if I were him, I wouldn't either."

"Fine, I won't say anything to Vata. When do we attempt this escape?"

We return to the colony with our catch. It's a massive fish that we both have to drag back.

"Omg, you caught that?"

"Yeah, we can have a fish fry tomorrow," I state. It will be a farewell feast.

"Well, it's not a fish per se. But it's edible." Says Liam.

"What do you mean it's not a fish? It was in the water." I reply.

"At the pier? These are this planet's sharks. It's a lake full of them."

We could've been eaten! We were sitting on the pier with our feet dragging along the top of the water! I hazard a glance at Dominic. He has the same horrified expression as I do.

I'm officially done.

The noisy clamoring and hammering draw my attention to a building in the process of being built.

"Y'all making room for one more?" I ask as the men tote the large creature away.

It sits just outside the colony and is coming along quickly.

"It's your home. Per orders from you know who." Says Liam.

"That's not necessary. I'm okay living with Dominic."

"Well, necessary or not, we have our orders."

"Seems like alien humping has its perks." Whispers Dominic as he's easing past me.

The man's infuriating.

Predator and Prey: AmaraWhere stories live. Discover now