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We don't finish, much to my vexation. Refusing to give up my post atop him, his erection became non-existent, and I had no choice.

Angry at myself for interrupting a much-needed release, I plot my reprisal. He left me and returned later, choosing to ignore me upon his return.

Communication is limited, but he doesn't have to be distant. I let him have his time to himself. He appears to be lost in his thoughts.

Watching him, I wonder where he comes from. Who's waiting back home on his planet, for him?

It's probably somewhere that I can't go. We were left here for their sport, to be hunted. Then I most likely can't go with him.

And I don't want to, either. If we're to be regarded as a game.

He can't stay on earth either. He'd become a lab rat and a specimen. No, he deserves better.

After a time, I grow tired of waiting and head over to him. He's watching me, and he waits as I stand before him.

I want him to lead, to command me. And when he doesn't, I remove my clothing slowly. Undressing, I give him a show.

He's watching me in silence. And climbing atop his lap, he doesn't offer a rejection.

His sex's already hard. And I'm more than ready to finish what we started earlier.

Taking a breast in between his outer teeth, I'm shocked and then delighted. The tip of his tongue, wet and warm, greets the sensitive peak of my breast.

The sparks emanating from between my thighs to my belly and upwards have my breaths coming in gasps.

Guiding my hips, he lowers me down slowly. The heart of my femininity swallows his member whole.

The sensations flowing through my body have me on the verge of an orgasm.

Not able to take all of him in, I force him to stop with my hand on his.

His watchful gaze turns me on. And I slowly rock my hips. The slight burn of him gently pushing down on my thrust turns into pleasure. And my body opens up a little bit more to allow an extra inch in.

Filled to the hilt, I relax into his rhythm, letting him direct me.

I can barely tolerate what he's doing to my body. The electric shocks seem to start in my lower regions and shoot out of my body in streaks.

His grip on my hips tightens. If I'm to die from an overload of pleasure, at least I'll die happy.

My body shakes from the tremendous flares of gratification his body gives me.

When I don't think that I can take it anymore, I feel his searing hot seed invade my womb.

I have an out-of-body experience. Head thrown back in pure satisfaction, I can feel the energy being expelled and then returning.

At that moment of awakening, I got everything, including his name, Vata.

Holding onto him, as my body calms down from the cataclysmic explosion of sexual energy, I think that I'm in love.

Vata's taken me back to the others, and Dominic greeted me with a scowl. I received a few relieved smiles from the others.

"I was worried about you."

"What, did you think that I'd left you?"

"You're really going to be an ass right now?"

He's right. I missed him too, but we have bigger problems. To complete their initiation into being warriors, a deadly cargo is being dropped here tomorrow.

We'll have to fight to stay alive. And if they fail, we fail. No ship will come for a planet riddled with serpents that incubate and burst out of your chest. They'll sanitize the planet if the hunters fail, and we'll die.

Taking him away from the group, I don't want to alarm the others.

"A ship will come two days from now. And if the hunters succeed in killing the deadliest prey tomorrow, then Vata can save us."


"That's his name."

"You speak alien now?"

"It's complicated."

He's silent, studying me.

"You screwed him, didn't you?" He asks after a while.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"If we make it back to earth, you might want to get yourself checked out."

"You know what, fuck you. You need to be worried about what's going down tomorrow. Because I saw what they are, and I don't think that some of us are going to make it."

"Say what now?" Asks, James.

Predator and Prey: AmaraWhere stories live. Discover now