Vata / Amara

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Yautja Words and Language, courtesy of:" - AVP Wikia

Dhi'ki-de ja ta u'darahje - Death to the abomination - (ja ta) my made up words

ooman - Human

Pe M-di Pa'ya-te Thei-de - Death before dishonor

Ya hulij-bp - You're crazy

Ic'jit - Bad blood

Cetanu — The Black Hunter (Yautja god of death)

"And to think, that I thought that you would be the greater hunter of the bunch." It's Naidka, taunting me.

Everyone's bringing back two or three trophies, and I just have one. Always just one kill when we meet up. Keeping her safe, until the climax of the hunt is costing me.

I'll be bloodied, but I won't have many wives. Only the greatest hunters acquire a multitude of life partners.

"Maybe he finds his prey stimulating, his elder father did."

Ankun speaks of my father's procreator. It must be in the blood, as we find the yautjanoid women tempting.

My silence, as I finish stripping the creature of its skin solicits a narrowed-eyed glare from Naidka. A blade's tossed at my feet, and I come to mine. The others closest to me move out of the way.

"Dhi'ki-de ja ta u'darahje!" Naidka spits out.

We can reproduce with some beings, just not with ooman's. All half-breeds are considered an atrocity and killed. But she has no right to be upset.

"Who or what I lie with is no concern of yours."

"Pe M-di Pa'ya-te Thei-de!"

There are not many female hunters. Only the most ferocious of them become one. And I'm starting to regret ever lying with her. It seems that my child-maker has driven her insane with envy.

"I dishonor no one!" Her threat sends me into a fit of rage. As she is carelessly calling for my life to be ended.

"I see it in your eyes, you bring shame to the Yautja, humiliation to our family!

Our family...?

"Ya hulij-bp."

Seething with rage, an unnatural scream pierces the night, before she dives at me. Nodta and Ankun, latching onto her, stops her attack.

"Ic'jit." That one word slithers from her mouth and strikes me dead in the heart.

A challenge. They release her without a word and back away. Letting her choose the weapons to duel with, she decides on the Glaive. A blade positioned on the end of a pole, she's good, but I'm better at wielding it.

"When you meet Cetanu, tell him that I said hello."

"You'll meet him sooner than I. You forget that I trained with you." My statement receives a few light snorts before her blade swipes at my face.

I easily block it, immediately going for the death strike, her heart.

Coming within inches of my goal, indignations clear on her face. She counters with a hit meant to maim.

I'm already bored with our insignificant quarrel. Fighting her will bring me no honor. The serpents will be here soon, and I don't need to be in a weakened state when they arrive.

Her words are just that, words. I put an end to it quickly, striking upwards, to prevent her blade from injuring me.

Shoving her backward, she loses her footing but recovers quickly. Striking her on the face with the wooden end, she lets loose another scream. And a hard hit on the head puts her down for good.

We'd been awakened by a few unholy screams in the night and couldn't go back to sleep.

He doesn't say anything, but I know that he's upset. His silence is different. We're following him at a snail's pace, and annoyed, he angrily flares at us.

Stepping it up a notch, my pace matches his. And we continue on in silence.

The silence is awkward and unable to communicate with him, I let my frustration take over.

I want to go back home. He's kept us alive, and safe. But I'm tired of this existence.

"Look, we need your help," I state, stopping him with a hand on his arm.

His meaningful gaze goes to my hand, and I release him, taking a few steps away from him.

"Home... up there," I state, pointing to the sky.

He doesn't say anything, just keeps his watchful gaze on me before nodding.

"Oh my god... you understand me?"

He takes a moment before nodding again, and excitedly, I hug him. "Oh, sorry," I state, releasing him just as quickly.

"Will you help us?"

Another nod, and I'm ecstatic.

They don't like to be touched. Well, he doesn't. But I sneak in one more. His body's solid, and strong, which causes me to hold on a little bit longer.

I'm reveling in the comfort that he gives me, my protector. When he releases a bellow, that forces me away from him.

A liquid, green in color, pours from him. And backing away, I feel an odd sensation, a tingling.

A sharp blade is sticking out the front of him. Pulling it out through the way that it came in, he turns to face his attacker.

Marcel... Laura comes out of hiding, and everyone's watching me. "I don't feel right," I state, feeling the trickle of something wet saturate my clothing.

"Amara..." Says Dominic coming to my aid. Looking down, my blood mixed with his florescent colored blood, causes me to collapse.

The last thing that I see is Marcel being split in two, with a single swipe by my protector.

Laura's screams follow, and all goes dark.

Predator and Prey: AmaraWhere stories live. Discover now