Vata / Amara

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Kismet - Fate

Separated, we went off on our own to hunt. The final hunt that would make or break us.

I'd given her the location to where our rescue craft would be. I'd left it up to Kismet to decide our future.

I thought that she was lost to me until she appeared with the remainder of her clan. She would have been left there if I had not invoked my right as the clan leader's son to force them to take her with us.

Our destination is Prime, our home planet. Upon arrival, strict orders are given for her to be carefully handled.

"This is the gift?"

It's my younger brother Aduih, eyeing the oomans. Or one specific one. Embracing me, I stop him from going closer with a hand on his arm.

"She belongs to me."

"There's nothing wrong with looking. Besides, you're not going to have her for long."

Before our arrival, word was sent about the yautjanoids accompanying us back to Prime. I don't expect a friendly welcome, and don't receive any either.

"Mother and Father are displeased with you, especially Mother."

"Take them to your ooman. Have her properly cleansed and dressed to be presented to mother and father."

"Mother's going to kill you. I'm surprised that Naidka hasn't already done so." He says with a chuckle.

I leave her in his care and go home to prepare for the celebration tonight.

"Father kept you away from them, and you ended up with one anyway."

They refused to entertain her or me. But Aduih had sense enough to bring his wife, another ooman, and Amara's mate. They're gathered together in discussion.

Watching her, she's deep in conversation with her mate.

"You both have deemed it necessary to have my bloodline end with you. Why?" Says our father. We immediately come to our feet. Our heads are bowed in respect.

"Aduih, leave us." He commands.

He gestures for me to retake a seat. "

"As the eldest, we thought that you would be selfless, putting aside your wants for the family."

"I never wanted to lead the clan."

"And you made sure that you wouldn't. You know how important it is for your mother to be accepted. The other females will reject her."

"Everyone would be satisfied except me. Where would my happiness come from?" I ask, my attention going to Amara.

"From knowing that there's a just and principled superior leading the clan."

Following my gaze, his eyes come to rest on her. We watch as her body slowly sways to the light music being played.

Her mate takes the C'ntlip from her and takes a small drink before pulling her into his arms. Their bodies meet as he joins her in a dance.

I can see the lust in his eyes. My jealous nature is roused when his forehead touches hers. She smiles at something that he says to her.

Her arms circle his neck. And his hands drift lower to her waist. I avert my gaze.

"A good leader is more concerned with us than me." Says father, leaving me to stew in my envy.


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