You Don't Know Anything About Him?

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Tamara’s POV: well today was interesting. Oh my god did ya’ll see Devon? He is so Frickin HOT those muscles <3_<3 ohh he had da nice kinda deep voice too. He’s da kind that makes your heart juss melt. I went inside closing the door before resting my back on it and putting her hand over my heart sighing happily. He is just so DAMN fine. I was kinda daydreaming about him when I saw a figure in front of me when I came back to earth I saw it was Claire I jumped in fright, she scared me. (End Of POV)

Tamara: Claire! Damn you scared me! *taking a deep breath *

Claire: and where have u been? *crossing her arms*

Tamara: ..for a walk. I got bored in the house. 

Claire: a walk? And who was that boy? 

Tamara: a boy I met during my walk. *smiles*

Claire: well where u go? He is Fine! 

Tamara: *grins* urgh I know right!! 

Claire: sit. Tell me everything! *sitting on the couch*

Tamara: *sitting next to her*

Claire: wait. *holding her stomach as she sits up* where’s vicky? 

*juss then vicky came through the door and all eyes were on her.*

Vicky: *sees Tamara and Claire looking at her* what did I do?

Tamara: nothing. How was your date?

Vicky: *leaning on the door* urgh roc is such a romantic when he wants to be. It was great :)

Claire: oh so we have two love birds in the house then.

Vicky: wait two? *raising an eyebrow as she sits on the sofa next to Tamara*

Claire: ummhm! Tamara met a boy. 

Vicky: you what? *grins* what? when? where? how?

Claire: she was just about to share what happened when u walked in.

Vicky: *looking at Tamara* well? I’m here spill! What happened? Is he hot?

Tamara: *laughs* well…………*tells them everything… almost?*

Vicky&Claire: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww that’s so cute! 

Tamara: *smiles and is blushing*

Claire: I  saw a figure in the window, he looked muscley? Looking at tamara*

Vicky: oh my life! do u have a picture of him? I wanna see him!

Claire: me too!

Tamara: haha I dunno lemmie check his DP (Display Picture) *going through her bb (BlackBerry)* found it. *clicks on the picture as Claire and Vicky lean In to see it*

Vicky: OH MY GOD! HE IS A SPICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Claire: I no I’m loyal and with your brother, but I’m not gonna lie he is one Fine boy. 

*the door bell goes*

Tamara: I’ll get it. *goes and opens the door to sees Claire‘s mom?* hi Mrs. Martin

CM: hi sweetie how r u?

Tamara: I’m good please come in.

Claire:  *turning her head towards the door* mom?

CM: hi sweetie can we have a chat?

Claire: sure? *looking at Tamara then at vicky*

Tamara we’ll be upstairs. *goes to Vicky and pulls her upstairs, they go in Tamara‘s room*

*in Tamara‘s room.*

Tamara: *closing the door* umm…

Vicky: *looking at Tamara* ….what happened?

Tamara: I may have… let out something that happened today….

Vicky: and that was?

Tamara: *bits her lip as she goes over and sits next to vicky on her bed* well…. *looking away*

Vicky: Tamara! What happened!? *making eye contact with her*

Tamara: *sighs* well after he walked me to the shop I said I’d wait outside for him and he was still in the store when a guy called Big D and his crew approached me and started being pervs and next thing I know I was being pushed against a wall………..

Vicky: WHAT! *gets up angry and paces* SEE THIS..

Tamara: shh Claire will hear you.

Vicky: this is exactly why I told you to stay home! *throwing her arms in the air*

Tamara: I know I know and I should have. But it’s all good before they did anything Devon came out and saved me and they literally left running scared, they wont bother me anymore.

Vicky: how do u know?

Tamara: *looks away bowing her head* because they think I’m Devon’s girl and no one messes with Devon’s girl!

Vicky: not surprised with those muscles…….I mean still. want u know about this Devon guy?

Tamara: *bits her lip, looking at vicky* I know he lives with his momma and that his dad fucked everything up and left them to clean it up. 

Vicky: really? Damn that’s bad. *frowns, sits on the bed again*

Tamara: yup. *looking down*

Vicky: what else do u know about him? 

Tamara: I know his name is Devon and that his longest relationship was for 3 months!

Vicky: woow that’s real sweet. *smiles*

Tamara: yh I no that’s till she betrayed him. But lets not get into dat. *nods*

Vicky: so what else do u know about him?

Tamara: …… that’s it? *rubs the back of her neck*

Vicky: What? Your not serious?

Tamara: *smiles*

Vicky: his age? His full name? where he lives? Does he have siblings?

Tamara: I…I know he lives around the corner from here?

Vicky: u seriously don’t now anything about him! *sits on the bed*

Tamara: but I can find out. I’ll just ask him. *taking her bb out her pocket*

Vicky: you do that. I have to call Roc. 

Tamara: did u not leave dat man like 5 mintues ago?

Vicky: yes but I miss him! And we have stuff to talk about

Tamara: oh! Ok. Tell Roc I said hi. 

Vicky: will do! Imma go put my phone on charge k?

Tamara: umhm! I’ll be in here. 

Vicky: ite  and find out more about this Devon guy! X.

Tamara: I will. *smiles, rolling her eyes*

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