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Tamara's POV: I felt Devon squeeze my hand a little tighter while I had a nervous look on my face as I saw someone approach my front door and slowly open the door. I took a deep breath next thing I knew I had let go of Devon and Johan's hand and who had opened the door literally jumped on me hugging me ever so tight.

and once I knew who it was I held her just as tight, It wasn't long before we were both crying I never thought I'd miss my best friend so much in 2 days. after about 10 mintues we finally pulled away from the hug and I noticed Ray Ray in the corner of the room....? I didn't ask questions before going in the house and giving him a hug, it had been ages since I saw him. Vicky invited Devon and Johan in closing the door as we all sat down in the living room Devon was next to me, Johan sat on my lap and Vicky and Ray Ray sat next to each other on the other sofa.

I looked around the house noticing someone was missing? so I looked towards Vicky and asked her nervously where Claire was and she told me, she was out looking for me abs refused to go to work until she found me. now I felt bad, I started to bowy head when Devon took hold of my hand and gently squeezed it which made me look back up then I looked at Vicky and smiled before telling her how much missed her.

then I looked up to see Devon got off the couch next to me letting go of my hand letting Vicky sit next to me while he sat next to Ray Ray. we all Sat there waiting for Claire to come back, i was introducing Johan to Vicky and he was getting all shy again. Ray Ray and Devon seemed to be getting on quite well which I'm glad about, we had The tv on nick junior for Johan to watch while The 4 of us just talked about the most random things.

I started to get worried about Claire I know I havent fully forgiven her for what she said to me but I dont want her to stress out and it start to effect my niece or nephew. Vicky said she was going to call claire and ask her to come home meanwhile Ray Ray was telling me how much Roc, Prod, keisha and Walter missed me even Kenny too and I told him I will come down one day to see them all because I missed them all too.

that made Ray Ray smile, while Vicky was gone I was just about ask him why he was here instead of Roc when Vicky came back saying Claire wasn't answering her phone so we all helped ourselfves to snacks and drinks. we were just about to watch a movie when we heard the key go through the door, itade me tense up as someone stepped through the door.

"Vicky have you heard anything? this is ally fault I'm losing my mind we have to Tamara I feel so ba....." Claire froze in her position as her eyes locked onto Tamara then she looked at Devon next to Ray Ray and Johan on Tamara's lap. this was a very arkward we were all silent for about 5 mintues when I got up putting Johan on Vicky's lap then I walked over to claire and just gave her a big tight hug. I thought she would be mad and reject the hug but instead she pulled me closer bursting into tears hugging me back.

no one spoke for a while whenJohan ran up to me tugging on my clothes Devon tried to stop him whene and Claire pulled away from the hug and Claire looke down at him "who's this little cutie" I smiled bending down to pick up Johan and putting him on my hip before saying "his is Johan, Devon's little brother. say hi Johan" I said as Johan gave Claire a shy hello then me and Claire and Johan sat down and this was it we were all going to have the talk. I hope Claire doesn't approve of Devon but I have to be honest with her no matter what. I'm just worried about the outcome.

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