Not What I Was Expecting..

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*in the bedroom…….*

Tamara: sit. *letting go of his hand*

Devon: *sits down and looks at her* ok now your starting to scare me a little baby. 

Tamara: its nothing really bad but if your serious about wanting to be in a relationship with me you need to know this. You are serious about this right? *standing before him, looking at him*

Devon: of course I am! *looks at her, grabs her hand* whatever it is, you can tell me baby. 

Tamara: *sighs, before sitting down next to him* devon..I….I have bipolar… *bows her head*

Devon: what! *looking at her* are you sure?

Tamara: *can‘t look at him just nods her head* Claire is a doctor and she got me checked out and I have… bipolar disorder but it is quite mild as I am on treatment but I am unable to cure it now because I didn’t want to take my medication after something happened…. 

Devon: what happened? *lost for words*

Tamara: do you know a band called Mindless Behavior? *raising her head a little, letting her hair cover her face as she looks at him*

Devon: yh sorta seen them on tv once or twice. Why? *turning his body towards her* what do they have to do with this? *trying to make full eye contact with her..*

Tamara: Well *she looks down tangling her fingers trying to find the words* they use to be my favourite bad and.. .the..the one with the afro ..was my favourite.. Me *sighs* and vicky got a chance to hang out with them since we helped save them from a mob. We got to go backstage and talk to… you know me I’m shy I didn’t know what to do so I left the dressing room lying saying I needed to make a phone call when 3 mintues later some one came to check on me  it was him.. My favourite…he was flirting with me making me feel like any girl should when meeting their celeb crush plus before you I had never been with a boy so you could say I was guidable… we were talking and he was getting real close to me.. Still flirting when he was gonna kiss me… *tears strolling* 

Devon: *stands up and paces* why are you telling me this? What did he do to you? *looks at her, she had her head bowed* Tamara look at me!

Tamara: *raised her head looking at him* he hurt me. *bursts into tears*

Devon: *goes to her picks her up rests her on his lap and slowly rocks her and strokes her hair as she cries* no no no no no more crying baby, its ok he’s not here I will never let him near you its okk. *holding her tight*

Tamara: I deserved it. I’m a bad person I always get hurt its always me who suffers…I’m nothing.

Devon: No! baby stop it! You are not nothing your something very special to me to your brother to vicky and to Johan remember? He loves you. I know a lot has happened to you baby I can tell and your really badly damaged but I’m gonna fix you. I’m gonna help you I’m gonna always be here for you. I’m gonna heal you. I am always going to be here for you baby I promise… 

Tamara: *cries really hard in his chest*

Devon: shh baby its ok ….its ok *rocking her before taking a gulp* .. Baby I need to know what he did to you. 

Tamara: *raises her head a little, sniffing* he punched me in the stomach, my stomach got twisted I was bed reddon for almost 2 months I couldn’t move… he give me bruises… *looks up at devon because she can feel his body tensing*

Devon: he touched you… *spat out with anger* … did he do anything else? *trying his best to stay calm considering she was still on his lap*

Tamara: *sniffs* he played with my heart and broke into pieces, he stole my first boy kiss…and… *gets up and slowly puts her on the bed before getting to his feet pacing..*

Devon: and what? *fuming with anger, looking at her*

Tamara: ….(Whispers: …he‘s the reason I cut…)

Devon: *his eyes grew big in anger, could hardly speak sense*….baby…I..*taking short breaths* I’ll be right back *he managed to force out his mouth before storming out the room*

Tamara: *cries putting her head on her head and slowly shakes it…… can hear things smashing and breaking in the distance..*

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