1st Visit to the Centre

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Eleanors mum told her to get dressed and to get into the car, so she did. They drove 30 mins towards the centre. Eleanors mum told Eleanor she had to go shopping so she was unaware of the situation. They pulled into the car park and Eleanors mum told her to follow her and they walked into the centre and were greeted at reception by the staff. Her mum told her to go sit in the waiting room whilst she picked something up so she did, she was confused about the bright coulored decorations and a large amount of baby toys but thought nothing of it.

Her mum and the doctor were in his office which had his desk, a couch and in the corner there was a large supply of blue and pink diapers and a changing mat. Her mum explained to him that she wanted to reggress Eleanor back and he grabbed a leaflet with the different levels

Level 1 - Weak bladder control, Full bowel control, Full body control (4 year)

Level 2 - No bladder control, Weak bowel control, full body control (3 year)

Level 3 - No bladder or bowel control, speech affected lightly, Full body control (2 year)

Level 4 - No bladder or bowel control, speech heavily affected, Half body control (1 Year)

Level 5 - No control on anyrhing (New Born)

Add Ons

NBNB - No bladder, No bowel control + Increased need for use to wee,poo

SPCH - Speech 60% affected (can say small words and phrases)

MEM - Memory is 70% Erased (Only remember people, names etc)

Eleanors mum read through the leaflet deeply and decided which one she wanted for Eleanor. She said to the doctor "Level 3 please with NBNB" she also said "Would i be able to come back in a week or 2 if i wanted to increase the level" the doctor said yes but if you want that it will have to be level 4 or 5 as you can go down levels. Eleanors mum adn the dcotor talked for 20 mins about the terms and conditions and about how once the 1st injection is done there is no going back. She was happy with everything and said when can she have it done and the doctor said i have an appointment at 10am tomorrow. She agreed and then said goodbye. She told Eleanor "Sorry baby i met my friend who i havent spoke to in a while so i took a bit longer" Eleanor was moody and said "MUM dont call me baby im not a child anymore" She laughed and they drove home. 

The family were around the dinner table and her mum had to make an excuse for going out again tomorrow and said to Eleanor "Lets all go out for breakfast tomorrow" The family agreed and Eleanor went to her room. Her mum and dad chatted about the Centre and the Level and the dad was happy with it. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2023 ⏰

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