CSI: Miami/Twilight AU

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The Cullen never came back. An incident happened, there was a shootout, Charlie was shot. He did not survive due to heavy injury. Bella's mom suggested that Bella came back to live with them but she refused kindly as she still has trauma from that time. She took care of the funeral and met her uncles who is Charlie's cousins. The three men were close. They're from Miami and asked if she wanted to live with them. One works as a police officer and is married. The other works as a bomb squad member. Bella accepted their offer, wanting to get away from everything. They made sure she took occasionally visits to see a psychiatrist. Bella wanted to change. Bella then started study hard and wanted to become a CSI. Years later, she graduated with high honors and with the help from her family, she successfully became a CSI. A few years later, another incident happened, her uncle died in the line of duty. Leaving behind his wife and son. Bella took some time off to mourn but came back after talking with her uncle Horatio. Horatio then leaves the bomb squad and became a CSI chief. Bella will be in her uncle's team.

Six months after, the season then officially starts with episode 1.

Will the Cullen family return? Most definitely. And so will Victoria.

Bella x Calleigh Duquesne (Mate)

So the Eric x Calleigh thing NEVER happened.

Eric x Leah Clearwater (Imprint)

There is a family secret in the swans. Bella is a hell-hound. She had her first transformation after having to shoot down a convict in self-defense whom she found out was a rouge warlock after. She did not know what was happening to her. Her uncles knew and started helping her through it. After transforming back, her uncles told her about her heritage, their family are hell-hounds. But not many of them can inherit the gene. Her grandfather was a hell-hound but her dad was a skipper and so are her uncles. Even if they were skippers, they were still part of the family secret, they were thought everything about what it means to be a hell-hound, their duty and all the different supernatural species so that they can teach future generations if one ever pops up. Being a hell-hound means that they must ensure that the existence of the supernatural is never discovered or jeopardized. They are the gate keepers between human and supernatural worlds. They then admit to her that Charlie knew about the Cullen Family being Cold-ones and the Tribe being Shifters which he told them about. They began teaching her everything she needed to learn, even gave her all the books and recordings passed down in their family. 

Bella took it seriously, so whenever there was a case that screams supernatural, she would know. Perks of being a hell-hound means that she has better senses then any human, cold-one or shifter. She can sense other supernatural if they are within the vicinity too. When not transformed, she can still use her powers as a hell-hound, her body will catch fire with hell-fire which won't burn her clothes, thankfully. Her eyes will glow a bright, fiery ember and her teeth grows longer and sharper like canines. She is strong enough to lift a truck on each arm and faster than a race car. When transformed, she turns into a big black dog with fire surrounding the body and glowing ember eyes. Her size over-towers the shifters. Thankfully, her uncles help her out in covering up the "unexplained" cases and close them.

When she first met Calleigh, she was frozen like a statue, just staring at her in the eyes. She was told by her uncles that hell-hounds have a mate that they spend their life with. A soul-mate so to speak, like the ones that connects with a red-string. She surprised to know that her mate was a woman but not unwelcomed as she was always have a small attractions to women more than men. Somewhat glad that "he" was not the one. She wanted to take things slow and get to know the "bullet girl". As time went by, she fell in-love. She won't tell her though, as afraid as she is. Her uncle Horatio can only but look at her teasingly. Sometimes even try to be a wing-man which she light-hit him on occasion after finding out what he was doing. *They will get together during the series*

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