Relationships- Hyung line

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"*Darth vader voice*HYEJIN-AH, I AM YOUR FATHER" "No Channie, you're grandpa😊"

●Vini always teases him about his age
●He tries to teach her English, but she never cooperates
●He loves to carry her around no matter where they are
●She trained for a few months but has been in the company her whole life, so Chan has known her since 2011
●Whenever Chan talks about items or songs from his childhood, Vini ends up not knowing them due to their large age gap, which just adds to the old man joke
●Chan always makes sure she feels included whenever they're in an English interview
●He gives her the best advice when necessary
●Chan always pushes her to do new things
●In Chan's eyes, Vini is the cutest baby he's ever layed his eyes on



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"Can i pleeeease have more?" "No, you already ate nine" "🥺" "Fine, just don't tell Chan"

● When I tell you this man is absolutely WHIPPED for her, I am serious
●He turns into the softest man alive when he's with her
●STAYs love to gush over their interactions cause they're the cutest things EVER!
●Minho always helps her with dance when she needs it
●If you ever hurt Vini's feelings, he will hunt you down
●He will not hesitate to spoil her rotten
●They feed stray cats together
●Vini loves to prank him



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"Self-respect is important." "What in the jutdae is self-respect"

●Picked the 3racha+Hyun dorm just to be with Changbin
●Have the cutest interactions the world has ever seen
●Changbin WILL buy her whatever she wants
●Cuddles all day every day
●Changbin is Vini's fav cuddle buddy because, according to her, his muscles are very comfy
●Don't put these two in a room with Han, your eardrums will burst
●Sunshine and sunshine protector
●Changbin used to and still does take care of her a lot, even if she doesn't want it
●Changbin was able to implement his baby girl lifestyle onto Hyejin



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"You know, you're very sassy" "Learned from the best😏"

●Hyunjin=Biggest maknae line simp
●It's known that the members are a bit overprotective of Vini, but Hyunjin is on another level
●Hyunjin has said before that if he could, he would adopt Vini
●Hyunjin has a lot of cuteness aggression towards her
●Makes sure that Vini is spoilt asf
●They love to paint together
●Sometimes, they like to have deep talks
●He tries to help her with homework
●He always asks her if she's eaten, but sometimes she lies because she has to go on extreme diets
●They are often seen being drama queens together

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