survival show (1)

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BangChan POV:

The members and I were practicing to perform for PDnim, and we chose the song "HELLEVATOR" for our show. We were all determined to debut as eight, nothing is going to get in our way. That is a promise.

It's 10 pm, and we are in the practice room making sure our choreo was on point and to fix any mistakes before our performance in a week. You might think that is a long time to prepare, but we must make sure everything is perfect. I was going over our lyrics on my phone when our maknae Jeongin came up to me, "Hey Jeongin, is everything alright?" I asked. He sometimes has trouble with things, so I always try to help him. "Hey, hyung! Nothing is wrong, I would like to suggest something for you, but please take your time to think about it." Replied the boy, I was confused but nodded in response as a sign to continue.

"Everyone agreed that there are notes in the song that are too high for male singers, so maybe we should have a female member in the group." He concluded, I was shocked to hear that, a female in an all boy group? I mean, we would get recognition, but a lot of people don't like that idea. "So you're telling me all of you agreed on having a female member?" I asked, still unsure if this is true or not. "The others dont know im asking. it's just a suggestion, and I even have someone in mind, " He whispered. "And who's that exactly?" I said.

"Hyejin! She is an amazing dancer and vocalist. Her visuals are great as well. She'd be perfect!" To say I was shocked would be an understatement, I was flabbergasted. "She hasn't even turned seven yet. I know Hyejin very well, and she is very amazing, but I don't think a child would be the best option." I told him. "I know, hyung, but please just ask her!" He begged, I could tell he really wanted her on the team. "Fine, I'll ask her now, but she has to agree, and the others also have to agree, but dont tell them anything. Just go to the dorms practice is over."

I made sure everyone left practice and went to Hyejin's room, I was nervous, to say the least. I gave three knocks on her door. A minute has passed, I was about to leave when i saw a small sleepy figure opening the door. "Hm? Oh, hi! Channie oppa. What brings you here?" She asked. "Hi, hyejin. I want to ask you an important question, so think long and hard about it" I tried to make it attention grabbing so that I know she's not answering just because she's tired. "What is it?" "I was wondering... if you wanted to join STRAYKIDS, i feel like you'd be the perfect fit" I stated nervously. It felt weird to be scared of a child's answer, but oh well. She took a minute processing everything I had just said. With a big smile on her face she said ,"Id love to! Being able to perform with all of you would be my dream!"

She was so enthusiastic, and i was too. I told her to head back to bed and that she will start practicing with us in the morning. I headed back to the dorm exitedly, hoping everyone would have the same reaction as mine. I know Jeongin would. I entered the dorm seeing all of the members scattered on the small living room couch. "Everyone, i would like to ask you all a question" I said, gaining everyone's attention. They all looked at me, nodding as a way to tell me to finish. "Are you all okay with me adding an extra member, and if that member was a girl?" I asked

I could see Jeongin smiling, knowing that I was able to get her to accept the offer. They all looked at each other I could hear whispers. They were all discussing if this was a good idea. Suddenly, Changbin spoke up, "We're all okay with it, hyung, but tell us who it is first" he said, I started to get nervous. What if they change their minds? "Jeongin suggested that we add Hyejin to the group" I stated. They all looked at Jeongin, then back at me. They all said yes at the same time. I was relieved that they were okay with Hyejin being a part of the group, I just hope that she'll be able to keep up with us.

"Wait, PDnim okay with this?!" Asked Hyunjin, shocked. I haven't thought of that, but im sure he is. He did say i could pick whoever i wanted. I just nodded my head in response. Now that everything is settled, we all went to bed.

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