A day full of fun (and cats)

251 3 11

Era: Double Knot


It was a Sunday morning. Today, straykids had a day off from all the stress of work. Vini was sitting on the couch watching 'Hello Kitty' on the TV. Minho came into the living room with a big smile on his face, Vini still hadn't looked away from the screen. Minho cleared his throat, getting the girl's attention. "Oh hi, Oppa," she smiled, "Hey Vini, I was wondering if you wanted to go out today. Maybe we could walk around the city or just stay in a cafe, " suggested Leeknow. "That would be awesome!" She enthused, quickly getting up from the couch to go change.

After they were both done changing, they got into lino's car and started to drive. "So, what did you have in mind today?" Asked Vini, sitting in the back seat. Minho took a moment to recall everything, "I was hoping that we could go to an amusment park, and then we could go to a cat café" Vini's eyes lit up, not only did she get to go to an amusement park, she also gets to go to a cat café and play with a bunch of cute kitties. "I LOVE CATS!!" She exclaimed. She couldn't help but bounce in her seat from excitement. "I know you love cats, silly, that's why we're going there." leeknow couldn't help but chuckle as he saw Vini's happy face through the rear view mirror.

They continued to chat in the car until they arrived at the amusement park. They both exited the car with Vini running around in the car as leeknow locked it. "Hyejin-ah, come hold my hand, i can't have you crossing the streets alone." Said Minho with a bit of a stern voice. Vini immediately rushed to grab the elders' hand, wanting to be on her best behaviour today. They crossed the street and finally went into the park, Vini was in awe at all the fun games. Minho just kept on watching Vini's cute reactions as she analysed the place she was in.

"What do you want to do first, play games, or ride rollercoasters?" Asked lino. "Rollercoasters, please, the biggest one!!" she answered. Lino smiled and started walking to the 'biggest' rollercoaster, knowing she couldn't actually ride the biggest one. They arrived at the rollercoaster and stood in line behind everyone else. It had taken at least an hour for them to finally ride it, but they made the wait a bit more enjoyable for themselves by talking to each other. They got into their seats and were strapped in by the workers. Lino had finally realised what he was doing. He was riding a rollercoaster. He HATES rollercoaster. He looked at the younger sitting beside him, swinging her feet back and forth in excitement. He was about to say a word when the ride started working.

The people on the ride were cheering in excitement, while Lino wanted to get off it. They slowly started to ride up one of the big slides, and he always hated this part. He thought there was too much tension. Suddenly, a voice snapped him out of his thoughts. "This is so exciting, i can't wait to go through all the drops and loopedy loops!" Enthused the younger. "Oh god" said leeknow under his breath. The ride had finally gone to the top, and then suddenly... "AAAHH" "WHOOOOOOO", screams and cheers could be heard, but Minho felt horrible. He wanted to get off the ride as soon as possible.

The ride had ended, and all the passengers had gone off. Vini simply jumped out of the ride and ran to the exit as if she didn't just have a near death experience on the rollercoaster. Minho, on the other hand, was struggling to get off, his hands shaking, his legs felt like noodles. He could barely walk but he still managed. Minho and Vini continue to go all around the amusement park and play all the games. By the time they were done, it had already turned 8pm.

The two left the park in search of the cat cafe. "All right, time for the cat café!" said leeknow. "Cat cafe!!!!" Vini was so excited to go to the cat cafe. She was chanting cat café under her breath until they got there. They both entered the cafe waiting to play with the cats. They were taken to their seats, and as soon as they finished ordering, Vini jumped out of her chair to play with the cute cats. "Oppa, look! This one's named Pika" she carried a cute ginger kitten with a collar that read 'Pika', "Awe, thats so cute. Look at this one, her name is Velvet" said leeknow. He was also holding a cat, it was big and black and its fur was as soft as silk.

The food had arrived and they ate, it was absolutely delicious. Vini couldn't help but do a little dance while eating, Minho would coo whenever he saw her. They paid for their food, and with much resistance, Minho was able to get Vini to leave the cafe. The two got into the car and started driving all the way home...


Didn't really know what to do with this chapter, but oh well🤷‍♀️

Unnecessary note of the chapter:

Kim Seungmin with a perm is my holy grale

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Kim Seungmin with a perm is my holy grale

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