Survival show (2)

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Stray kids have been practicing as 7 for the past few weeks, and JYP has noticed how sloppy and unhappy they've been. He decided that leaving them as seven was a horrible idea. They're all pieces of the group, and it would be incomplete without all of them together. He finally decides on bringing Felix and Minho back, giving them a second chance to prove themselves of being worthy to debut.

In the practice room}

BangChan POV:

It's been weeks since Felix and Minho left. We've all been feeling down lately, and it's become a bit harder to keep the group together. Right now. We're practicing for our next performance when PDnim came in. "Everyone, i have something to say. I've noticed that all of you have been sad recently. I realized that taking Minho and Felix away from the group is like throwing away pieces of a puzzle. It would be incomplete without them. For that, i have decided on bringing them back, but please try your hardest so i wouldn't have to eliminate any more of you." Everyone was ecstatic to hear the news. Suddenly, JYP left, and we saw to people walking in it was Minho and Felix. We all immediately engulfed them in a group hug.

"Wah, i missed you all so much," said Felix happily, "We missed you both as well, mate," I said, still not believing that I was holding the two of them in my arms. The rest of the members let go, and so did I, though Hyejin was still attached to Felix, not wanting to let go.

Felix POV:

The members let me and Minho hyung go, but I noticed Hyejin still holding on to me, I couldn't help but coo at her and pick her up, placing her on my hip. "Alright, everyone, pay attention, I know that you are all happy that we got Felix and Minho back, but we need to work even harder to prove that all of us deserve to debute and no one will be left behind, understand" stated Chris hyung. We all nodded in agreement, and soon, we were back to practicing.

{Weeks later, a day before debut, 9PM}

"Alright, who's ready to debut? I know i am!" Jisung enthused. "Meeee," shouted Hyejin, exited for the big day tomorrow. "You all are no fun, Hyejin is the only one who answers to my cheers," huffed jisung, "She's a kid. What do you expect? For her to mope around, the rest of us are all nervous. We dont have time to play games with you." Stated Changbin, as all of that was obvious. "Wow, i see how it is. C'mon Hyejin, let's go somewhere else and have fun." Sassed jisung, he grabbed her as she giggled. As he was just about to leave, a large figure stood above him. "Nu uh, no way are you going anywhere, it's getting late, and all of us need rest for tomorrow," said BangChan. Han let out a sigh and turned back, disappointment visible on his face.

Soon, everyone was in bed sound asleep for their debut tomorrow.


Hello, I hope you enjoyed reading♡

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