Trust us

191 3 14

Era: NoEasy

Vinis age at the time: 10

Credit to kayleeeeeeee16 for this request

"No, get away from me!"

"Nu-uh, I'm gonna catch you~"

I was running as fast as I could from my bullies.

I was walking back to the dorms from school when they started chasing me. I didn't want to lead them to where I live, so I was basically running for the past ten minutes.

"What do you even want?!" I panted as I ran into a dead end, unready to face my bullies. "I want... you!" I am not surprised, Wonjin and Jimin have always been really mean to me, and I dont even know why. I never approached them, so there shouldn't have been any past conflicts.

"Me? How am i of use to you?" I looked at him. I was nervous, and he could tell. I don't know how I'm going to escape this situation, but I need to try.

"It's simple, really. You're an easy target. You're a girl who's weak and can't fight to save her life." He chuckled.

"You dont deserve to be in our school. Stupid people like you belong in the trash!" Jimin sneared.

"I swear to the heavens if you dont leave me alone right n- Hey!" I was forcefully grabbed and held in place by Wonjin. Jimin started to punch me in my stomach, leaving me out of breath.

"HELP!" "Oh shut up, will ya?" Jimin kicked me in the gut. There was enough force to send blood out of my mouth.

"Jimin-ah, let me have a go at her!" Wonjin said. Wonjin immediately dropped me, I used this chance to try and escape, but I had failed as I was grabbed by Jimin.

With much struggle on my end, he laid me on my back as he sat on my already hurt stomach.

"There is quite an advantage of being in an ally. Look at this cool metal pole. It'd be a shame if i hit you with it" I looked at Wonjin with desperation, eager to leave this hell that they have both created for me.

"Jimin, stand up." I felt weight get lifted of my body, a sense of releave appeared. But that didn't last long.

Wonjin started to rapidly hit me all over my body with the heavy pole. I screamed and shouted but to no avail. "Please stop!" I yelled.

"How about NO!" with one last hit, straight to the back... they left. They left me in an alley with a bloody nose, a bruised body, and maybe a concussion.

All the pain was blending together, and I felt weak. I finally mustered up the strength to get up and walk back home.

My legs felt like jello as I was walking. It felt like my stomach was in knots, and my head was spinning like crazy, but somehow, I managed to get to the dorm quickly.

I arrive at the door, thinking of a plan to go inside without my members seeing me.

I open the door and rush inside my room.

3rd person pov:

Vini was able to quickly enter her room without any members seeing her. She breathed a sigh of releave as she climbed to the top bunk of her bed.

The bedroom door suddenly swinged open, revealing Hyunjin humming a toon in nothing but a towel around his waist.

"Oh hi Hyejin-ah, i didn't hear you come in. How was school?" He asked as he started changing.

Still laying face up on the bed, vini answered, "It was good, i aced my math exam," she managed to say.

Vini was obviously in pain, and Hyunjin could tell. "Are you okay? You saound hurt" asked the older as he was putting on a grey t-shirt.

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