Chapter 4 𝑬𝒎𝒐𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔

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Author pov:-

Her harsh words broke Isabella completely. Tears started falling from her eyes. Listening to this her head started spinning and paining. She was unable to move also. She started crying very badly. Her mother left the room. Isabella cried her heart out but today her cries were not because they think of her as a thing but for getting hate by her own mother. Who sold her to these people. She don't know why but this time she couldn't control herself from crying 😭. Suddenly the door of her room got open with a thud. But she didn't pay attention to it.

But suddenly she feels someone is holding her from behind, she knows who it is, because of his perfume. She turns and hides in his arms while crying. He don't know why but seeing her like this aches his own heart. He didn't say anything just caress her back, she slept while crying. He made her lay properly in the bed, wiping her face, covering her with a duvet. He left the room and made his way downstairs. His eyes were shooting dangers to her family. He made his way towards Francesca and grabbed her arm made her stand and said " What did you say to her ?" His voice was cold. Francesca's face covered with sweat, she started shivering. She started saying in stammering " I-- I didn't s-a-i-d anything --to h-e-r ". He looked in her eyes. His father came forward and took him towards his study room. Francesca sat down with a thud.

In Study Room

Father :- F
Him :- H

F:- What happened, why did you behave like that?

H:- I don't know why but seeing her in that condition made me behave like that.

F:- In which condition son?

H:- She was crying, her body was shaking, she was crying like someone had snatched everything from her, but why was she crying I don't know.

F:- It seems you're forgetting your promise!

H:- No dad it's not like that, I want to give her pain so much that she forgets herself and the meaning of pain also.

F:- Then what happened, so you behave like that?

H:- Because I want to earn her trust first then break it into a million pieces, I want to break her, the way he breaks my....

The next words didn't come out of his mouth.
His father got to know what he was going to say, so he put his hand on his son's shoulder and conveyed his message with his eyes. Soon they left the study and he made his way towards Isabella room and Mr Russo made his way towards the hall. After a little chit chat with Conti's, Mr Russo left and soon Conti's also left for their home. On the other side he opened the door of her room only to see the most beautiful site in front of him. Isabella sleeping while hugging his pillow, hairs covering her face. He came close to her after closing the door. He sat near her and removed her hair from her face, only to get a shock. Her swollen closed eyes, tears stained face, wobbled lips. He looked at her for a few minutes then left her room and made his way towards the private gym in his house. He worked out for an hour. Then he went to another room after getting fresh. He saw his mother going to his room taking a plate of food. He got to know it must be for her. He took the plate from his mother and assured her that he would feed Isabella properly.

His mother left and he made his way towards her room. He opened the door, to see Isabella half laying on bed, head laying on headboard, eyes closed. She opened her eyes and looked at him, he came inside and closed the door with his foot. She sat straight and removed the duvet. He put the plate on the coffee table in the room and sat on the sofa. She came near him and sat on the sofa near him, he slid the plate in her direction and she ate the food. He gave her medicines, but she put that on the side table of the bed. He raised his one brow, she slowly said " I will eat it later". He just nodded then made his way towards the walk in closet and got changed in his grey lower and white tshirt and came out. She looked at him in shock, because she didn't know, it was his room in which she was staying. Looking at her he just shook his head and chuckled. She came out of shock listening to his chuckle. She looked down on her lap. He came forward and gave her medicines and a glass of water, she took them without saying a word and gulped down with water, making faces because of the taste of medicine. He lightly laughed at her and she looked at him admiring his laugh. Seeing her looking at him he made a straight face again and made her lay in bed. Turning off the lights and not before turning on a small light lamp for minimal light in the room. He came on the bed covering both with the duvet and wrapped his one arm around her petite waist pulling her close to him, her back touched his chest. He nuzzles his nose on her ear, making her breath hitch. Then hide his face in the crook of her neck, she blush feeling his actions, but didn't say a word just closed her eyes. Feeling his breath which was falling on her neck. He said in his husky voice " Sleep you need rest, don't use your pretty brain now". She blushed listening to his words, then closed her eyes obliging his words. Soon sleep consumes her because of medicines. After an hour he climbed down the bed, took the plate and left the room. He made his way towards his study after handing the plate to the servant. He worked for a few hours then slept in another room.

Next morning...
Isabella wakes up only to get surprised by her soon to be husband's gesture. He had kept a dress with a note.

Note:- "Good morning 😊 wear this and come downstairs, waiting for you on the dining table

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Note:- "Good morning 😊 wear this and come downstairs, waiting for you on the dining table. "
She smiled reading the note and got ready in the dress and went downstairs in the direction of the dining room. She saw everyone present there so she apologized and wished good morning with a small smile. Everyone wished back except him. She sat next to him, and a maid served her plate with healthy food, she ate a little and drank a glass of juice. All went in the hall she was standing in the corner Mr A Russo talked to his son, then he told her that he would drop her home, she smiled on his gesture. Soon they left the house which was not less than a villa in his car. Both were sitting in the back seat, soon she felt a little cold so she started rubbing her arms with her both hands, he looked at her and put the tab down and shifted closer to her. She was shocked to see him this close, he took a blanket from the backside and covered her legs properly and turned her face towards his put her head on his chest. She wrapped her arms on his torso and snuggled more into him. Soon they reached her house and they both pulled back he came out of the car before her and opened the door for her. They made their way towards her house. And entered inside after a small chit chat he left her not before warning her to take proper rest, take meals on time and take medicines on time. After bidding bye to him, she came inside only to see her parents and siblings throwing daggers on her.

What happened suddenly they started throwing daggers at her? What will they do with her? Is she safe here or not? Who is Isabella's husband?

You all must be thinking why I didn't introduce Isabella's soon to be husband and not even mention his name! Because it's a secret his identity will be revealed soon for now a small surprise is there for you but you will get it in the next chapter, so by everyone for now.

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