Chapter 24 Angry

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Author pov:-

As Aure is standing in front of Isabella's room and he gets shocked. There is no bodyguard in front of her room. Not even her personal guard Sam. He knocks on the door but there is no response from inside, fear of losing her started growing inside his heart. He knocks so many times but the response is the same. He pushes the door, but it is locked from inside. Then seeing this he kicked the door two three times and the lock inside it broke and he opened the door. He sees she is sleeping. Seeing this he sighed in relief.

Aure:-"Angioletto open your eyes. See it's 9 in the morning". Listening to his voice she stir in her sleep but again, she sleeps.

Aure:-"Baby if you won't wake up now, then you will be late for your college ". Listening to him she wakes up and sees Aure in front of her. She hugged him.

I:-"Where were you? I got so worried about you? Please don't leave me alone again, please Aure, please never do something like this again ".

Aure:-"Sorry baby, I won't go anywhere. Now please don't cry".

I:-"Promise me you won't leave me again".

Aure:-"Promise baby. Now go and get ready".

I:-"okay Aure. See you at the breakfast table ".

Aure:-"Okay come soon". He didn't want to do breakfast with Conti's but listening to her he agreed.

After 30 mins

He comes and sits in the hall. The Conti family is sitting in the dining room. The maid is arranging the food on the table. Isabella comes and stands beside Aure. Aure holds her hand and they both make their way towards the breakfast table. Isabella is shocked but she didn't disagree with Aure, as she thought he wanted to have breakfast with them.

Isabella's outfit

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Isabella's outfit

Seeing Isabella's outfit, Bianca gets jealous. Because her mother always gives Isabella used clothes from Bianca, but here Isabella is wearing brand new clothes. Aure pulls a chair for Isabella and makes her sit on it. He started checking the food on the table, but didn't find anything which Isabella loves to eat.

Aure:-"Mrs Conti, didn't you make Isabella's favourite food?". Listening to his question Francesca choked on food and she got worried.

F:-"Isabella loves this food, that's why we prepare this".

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