Chapter 20 Time flies

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For my Muslim Readers specially

Meri taraf se mere sare readers ko Eid Mubarak Ho. Yeah chapter aap sabhi ke liye ek choti si Edhi samjaiye.

Those who have any problem by me wishing Eid to my readers, they have to understand one thing, my book is reading by so many caste and I really don't believe in casteism. I really love to celebrate different types of festivals and one of them is Eid. Please don't mind.

Have a Happy Reading.


Isabella pov:-

I get a message in my phone. I check the message. And it's a new problem for me, yes actually it's a problem I decide to talk to my family about this after dinner. I again get myself busy with my books. Soon it's time for dinner. I get fresh and move downstairs towards dinning room. Everyone is settle down I come to papa and hug him, then follow by my all brothers. Daily I greet them like this. And you known they love it so much, their smiling ☺️ face show me that. They don't smile to everyone but this smiles are kept for me only. I sit on my usual seat, yes now I have a fix seat beside Aure. But sometimes it change according to my papa and brothers. We start eating as the staff serve us. We eat with little chit chat. After dinner we all settle down in the hall. I go and sit beside Andreano and tug his shirt, asking for his attention. After few attempts he look in my side.

A:-"Yes baby what happened?"

I:-"I want to tell you and everyone something important".

A:-"Yes baby, tell us we all are listening to you."

I:-"Actually Ande my exams timetable has announced today". I said fastly. And then look around to see everyone reaction, everyone has a straight face now, no smile is there on their faces.

L:-"Okay baby, prepare for your exams". Saying this dad again make his straight face. After a little chit chat about my exams timetable and all. We all retire to our rooms.

I did my night routine, study for a while then lay on my bed. The next morning come soon. And we all gather on dinning table. Everyone settles on their usual seats.

A:-"When you exams are starting bella?" Andre asked me.

I:-" After 2 weeks, but I have to go to college after 1 and half week to collect the hall ticket and some documentation work, and the college has arranged some offline lectures for online students That's why ".

A:-"Okay baby, you prepare for your exams, and don't take stress for that, okay Bella".

I:-"Yes Andre ".

A:- " Papà, la manderemo per l'esame e penso che uno di noi debba essere con lei, perché non voglio mandarla tutta sola."       

Translation (Dad we will send her for her exam and i think so one of us must be with her, as I don't want to send her all alone.)

Andreano said to dad something I don't know in which language may be Italian.

L:-"Okay as you say".

Author pov:-

Everyone left after breakfast to their respective works. Isabella sits in her room while preparing for her exams.

1 and half week later.

Office Andreano's Cabin:-

A:- "I'm sorry dad I can't go. There is some important work that comes up suddenly, I'm sorry I can't go".

L:-"I know Andre that you can't say something like that, when it's not important but I also can't go I have to stay here, as  some problem have came suddenly in the business. So I also can't go there".

El:-"I also have a meeting and few work in London, so I have to leave for that tomorrow. I tried my best to postpone that but it's an emergency, so I'm sorry but I have to leave".

Matt:-"I have exams so I also can't leave".

Luc:-"I also can't leave, as Andre is going on mission I have to be with him and also take care of already injured guards and maybe some will get injured in this mission, so I also can't go".

Aure:-"Okay guy's I will go with my Angioletto, as I can't go on mission, not even handle the business deals and issues, not even have any exams, so I will go with my angel. Is it okay".

A:-"Are you sure you can tolerate that lady?"

Aure:-"What? Do we have to stay there?"

A:-"Yes actually I don't want bella to stay away from her mother, that too when she is in the same place, so that's why we decided that I will take her there and she will stay there not me, but now you are going with her, so I think you can stay there with her".

Aure:-" Okay I will stay with her there, don't worry ".

A:-" Okay then pack your stuff, the jet will be ready anytime you two are leaving in the afternoon ".

Aure:-"Okay byy all of you ".

In the afternoon at airport:-

Author pov:-

So everyone is in the airport bidding them bye. As Isabella is sad 😢 because she don't want to left her family,but little bit happy that Aure is joining her along. As everyone told her that they are busy, but very sorry too not able to join her. And she forgive them happily. Now they enter in the jet. And settle together she take rest for sometime and start studying as she knows it will take a lot of time to land in Greece. The whole evening went in learning then she and Aure have their dinner and went to sleep. She sleep the whole night properly and next morning wake up with a shake as she knows who it can be. And yes it's her brother Aure.

Soon it's 1 in the afternoon and they land in the Greece. After coming out of airport they sit in the car and two cars of bodyguards are following them. Isabella is sitting silent, her mood didn't look good and she looks nervous and sad too.
Aure call the Romano's and everyone talk to them for a while. She smiles seeing them all. But it soon faded, after they cut the call. Seeing this Aure decides to talk to her.

Aure:-"What happened baby? Why are you looking sad?".

I:-"Aure I didn't have any good feeling now I don't know but maybe I'm just worried about the Ande!"

Aure:-"Don't worry princess he is fine and will call you soon".

I:-" Okay".

Aure:-"Okay princess tell me about this place, we will visit some places after your exams".

I:-" I don't know anything about this place, I didn't even know the tourist places also, I did some but I haven't visit any of it".  She said in little bit hesitant manner.

Aure is shocked to know about this revelation, She stayed here for a longer period, yes actually she stayed here for 5 yrs yet she didn't know anything about this place such a strange thing but suspicious too.

What do you think about the chapter? Which is your favourite part in this chapter? I know I take a story little bit fast in this chapter,but it was necessary too and I didn't get anything about what to write that's why I have to do this. But don't worry now I have alot about future chapters so you will read a long chapter next time and with less time skips this time.

Have a good day to all my dear readers. Vote the chapter and must follow me so you can have a notification of any announcement. Add the book in your library so you can have notification of update. Share your views and ideas on my Instagram. Must follow me there also. See you all soon... Bye for now...

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