Chapter 23 Same as Before

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Author pov:-

She left his room carefully, and makes her way towards her room getting fresh and hiding the marks with the concealed. She left her room and move towards the dining room. After a while everyone had their dinner and discard to their room. Today also no one ask Isabella for dinner as it was before. But she is already busy with her studies and don't mind it as she is not hungry. She studied till 11pm and then slept again. As everyone slept seeing this Bianca left her room and move towards his room. As she come in front of his room and raise her hand to knock on the door. But before she knocks on door someone hold her wrist. She looks up and sees the guard has held her hand. He let go of her hand and said "Sir is sleeping don't disturb his sleep. If you want to talk to him come in the morning and if something is related to Mam then I will call him only".

B: - "He has called me".

G:-"Give me the proof".

B:-"When I was with him on that time he said me to come at this time".

G:-"May be but now he is sleeping". The guard internally smirked, because of her facial expressions. She left from there and the guards smirked.

Few hours ago

Aure call the guards in his room when she left.

Aure: - "The girl just now left will come again but not now".

G:-"So when will she come?"

Aure:-" When everyone will fast asleep". He smirks seeing him smirking, the guard also smirks.

G:-"What we have to do?"

Aure:-"Don't let her come inside".

G:-"Okay. Anything else young master".

Aure:-"Nothing. I know the rest you all will handle". Listening him the guards laugh a little.

G:-"After so long we get someone to insult, even she will don't know that we had insulted her". Aure smirk.

Mid night

Isabella wakes up in the middle of the night as she feels hungry. She fresh in up herself and try to find something to eat in her bag but didn't find anything. So she comes out of her room. As she comes out the guards stand straight and one of them move towards her.

G:-"What happened Mam? Do you need something?"

I:-"Actually I'm hungry, so I'm going towards kitchen to see is there anything to eat. You all please seat I will back in 5 mins".

G:-"You're not going anywhere alone Mam".

I:-"I'm not leaving the house; I'm just in the kitchen".

G:-"Then too I will come with you".


They move towards the kitchen. And start looking for some dry snacks or some remaining food from dinner. But didn't find anything, so she drank the water and called the guard who was standing outside the kitchen. They move towards her room and she try to catch some sleep but not the sleep is far away from her. So she started her studies.

2 hours late

Isabella pov:-

I am studying from last 2 hours but now its 5:30 am and I'm very hungry and I can't control my hunger. I come out of my room again and move towards Aure's room two guards are following me. As I come in front of his room. Then I knock on the door, but he didn't open the door nor say a word. After knocking a few times when he didn't reply, I get worried about him and tears start brimming in my eyes. Then I decide to call his name, if he doesn't listen to the knock he will definitely listen his name and open the door.

I:-"Aure open the door, please". But there is a silence. I again call him but same there is no reply. I call him few times, when he didn't reply I get worried and call the guard.

I:-"Sam please comes here". Sam my personal guard comes forward and stands in front of me.

Sam:-"What happened Mam? Is everything okay?"

I:-"No nothing is okay, Aure is not opening the door I knock the door so many times even call his name but he didn't reply".

Sam:-"Okay let me check". Saying this he knocked on the door and called him.

Then he pushes the door. It opens easily by his push. Both of us get inside but there is no sign of Aure. I get worried. I run out of the door. I check the kitchen, hall, dining room but Aure is nowhere. I even check the garden but Aure is nowhere. I get more worried.

Author Pov:-

I:-"Aure please come back". She screams.
Listening to her scream everyone woke up and came downstairs.

F:-"What happened Isabella why the hell are you screaming this early in the morning". Francesca scolds her.

I:-"Mom Aure is not here ". She said while crying.

B:-"What? You bitch. Where did he have gone? He was in his room last night. You must have sent him away, you bloody bitch". Isabella closes her eyes listening Bianca's words. The guards had left to find him in the nearby area, as per Isabella's instructions, Sam had tried to stay but she didn't allow him also.

And here now the Conti family start there torture again on her. Francesca come forward and slaps her "I know why you came here; they must be fed up of you they had sent you here, so they can get rid of you". Francesca said these harsh words to Isabella. Then Bianca come forward and holds her hairs in her tight fist slap her across her face and kick her on her stomach. Isabella fall down on the ground after kicking her few times all of them left her she makes her way towards her room. She feels very weak, she walk to the washroom after washing her face and walk to the bed and lay herself on it. As she is feeling very weak. Soon sleep consumes her.

After 3 hour

Aure pov:-

It's 8:30 in the morning. Everyone is sitting in the hall from Conti family but my Angioletto is not here but why maybe she is sleeping. As I come in the hall suddenly the girl that came yesterday in my room, come towards me running but stopped by my guards. I didn't bother to stop them. The guards make her aside. I move towards a sofa and sit there. I'm having a headache. So I close my eyes for few minutes.

"Alley brings the headache relief medicine for me".

Alley:-"Yes sir". As he is gone to bring it from the car. I again close my eyes.

Author pov:-

B: - "What happened to you?"

G:-"Sir needs rest will you shut your stupid mouth".

F:-"How dare you to talk to my daughter like this?"

G:-"Mrs. whoever you are I don't know and even don't want to but lower your voice, little master need rest and we don't want anyone to disturb him".

D:-"Leave it Frans; let's go we have to go to the office ".

They left the hall. After taking the medicine Aure make his way towards Isabelle room. He gets shocked when he stands in front of her.

Hey everyone... Do you like the story? Which part is your favorite one? I know the story is going little simple yet boring but the surprises are coming so don't leave it in middle.

Why did he get shock when he came in front of her room?

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