Chapter 18 Basement

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Hey dear readers!!! So here is a small surprise for you all... I want to ask you one thing, as I decided I will post twice a month, so you all can decide the dates, on which dates you want the update. Tell me in the comment section guys. Specially you all my dear silent readers it's a chance for you and me to chit chat a little. One more announcement I had edited the starting chapters, so you check it also.

And one more thing give me answer in a week so I can update the chapter on your selective dates or otherwise I will decide it by myself.

Till then happy Reading 😊

Here is a book I want to suggest you all.

Our Heavenly love: A journey of soulmates.  Suruchieee

Author pov:-

Soon the guards take that receptionist. They all sit down on the couches. Matt takes out his laptop and tracks the location of Isabella's phone. After 5 minutes he tells everyone that she is on the 89th floor. They all left along with guards but didn't find her, none of them used the elevator, everyone moved from the stairs. Everyone checks every corner but didn't find her, Matteo track her location again and this time they move towards the elevator and press button but seeing it empty. They get confused and everyone look at Matt.

M:-"Just give me a min". He said to everyone. Checking it again on his laptop.

M:-"It still shows the same." Listening him Aure eyes move inside the elevator and see the phone inside it he quickly grabs it.

Aure:-" Her phone is inside it, that's why it's showing you her location in the elevator". On the same moment, Andreano get a call, he receive and said "I'm coming". Saying this he goes inside the elevator and everyone else also move inside it. Soon they reach on 98th floor.

Everyone move inside Andreano's cabin. And Andre's assistant come in with a file, and forward it towards Andreano. He look confuse seeing her and file.

Rose:-" Sir I get a call from Mr. Martin, he wants to meet you on dinner time and discuss something related to the deal." She said in very sweet voice.

A:-" Is this was a very important thing that you call me for". He asks in dangerous tone.

Rose:-" Yes sir it's a very important deal".

A:-"Reschedule the meeting for tomorrow and send him an apology from me. I am very busy to find my Bella, and I'm not able to attend any of the meetings now, so postpone the meetings."

Rose:-" But sir the meeting is very important. Why are you wasting your time on such girl"? As she said those, she gets a tight slap from Aure.

Aure: - " She is not some random girl, she is our princess, the princess who owns the whole Romano's Empire, she is our little sister, the one for whom we can rip apart someone, if you dare to say anything wrong about her then you will see the worst." Rose gets shock listening to him.

A: - "Aure calm down..." Andreano is cut off by the knock on the door.

A girl from his staff comes inside. She stands in front of them.

Girl:-"Good evening sir, I am here to tell you something ".

A:-"I don't have time now, come tomorrow ".

Girl: - "Sir it's related to the girl you bring here in the morning ". Listening to her everyone's eyes goes towards her.

A:-"Tell me fast what you want to tell me".

Girl:-"Sir when you left for the meeting, she comes here again. She was about to open the door but Rose didn't let her go inside your cabin and said allot to her". Then she narrates each and everything to Romano's. Listening to the girl everyone is ragging in anger.

This time Elio slap her harshly. She falls on the ground. Matt come forward, holds her hairs in a fist and slap across her face twice. Before they can torture her more they realize what they are doing and it's against the ethics. So they left her and call the guards to take her in the basement. Everyone is sitting their thinking how to find her, then suddenly a knock on the door make their head snap towards it. Leonardo says a small "come in". A man in his late 40's come inside and stands. He bows his head and wish good evening to everyone.

Man:-"Hello Mr. Romano I'm David Jones. I'm a security head. And I want to tell you something related to Miss Romano". He says facing towards Andreano.

A:-"What are you waiting for Mr. Jones, just tell me?"

David: - "Sir I saw her coming out of elevator in the basement, but." He looks little hesitate and scared.

A:-"But what David?"

David:-"Sir she comes out five hours ago". Saying this he close his eyes and everyone is in a big shock.

David:-"As we don't have excess on the basement elevator we didn't know where she is actually now". Saying this he looks down. Andreano show his hand and wave at him. He left the room.

A:-"She is in the basement, but I didn't get any notification of her leaving the place".

Elio:-"It means she is still there".

Matt:-"Then what are we waiting for".

Aure:-"Let's go"

L:-"Inform the security head of basement Andre, so we can know where she is ".

M:-"Also inform them that she came there 5 hours ago, it will be easy for them to find her out". Andre nod and inform the security head.

All of them left for the basement in the elevator. Soon the elevator reaches in the basement. Everyone move in different directions to find her out. Andre and Leonardo move towards security room to check where she moves.

On the other side Aure finds her handbag on the ground, he calls Matt, Elio and also informs Andre. The three moves forward and find her stud, then her bracelet, then one heel, then another. They collect her stuff and reach towards a room and see her chain there. Andre comes towards them and tells them she is inside this room. They knock on the door few times, call her many times but didn't get any reply. Elio had already informed the security person to bring the key of the room. But Matt and Andre don't have a little bit of patience and they start to hit the door and even Aure join them. Later a minute Elio also join them. Seeing the four this much restless Leonardo feels happy from one side of his heart, but also worried for his daughter. Soon the door break apart and the four go inside but seeing it dark, they get more worried thinking she will be scared. They turn on the flashlight and Elio try to find the switch board to turn on the lights. Soon he find out and seeing the scene in front of their eyes. They get shock.

Any guesses what it can be? What they keep in the basement? Why the company security department doesn't have access to the basement CCTV cameras? What are they hiding from her? What are they hiding from their workers? Where is she? Why they find her stuff like that? Did something happen to her? Ohh so many question you have but not a single answer. Don't worry I will share the answers to you next chapter so don't worry and have fun.

Don't go before reading this.

Must wait for next chapter. Do votes and comments. I want 20 comments on this chapter so the next chapter will upload; either you have to wait till one more week. It's your wish, do you want to wait or want the chapter before time. I have a deal if there will be more than 20 comments then there will be a bonus chapter not on same date but soon. So the decision is yours.

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