Chapter 14 Happy Isabella

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Hello everyone I wish you all a very Happy Maha Shivratri. Stay happy and healthy. Keep enjoying your life and reading. This chapter doesn't have any target but I hope you all will not only read but vote also this time. Your votes really motivate me to write the story and complete it as soon as possible. But the reduction in votes literally makes me feel like not writing anything further, and doesn't give me any ideas related to the story.

Isabella pov:-

It's been 2 days. I'm here and enjoying the company of my family. They all spend a lot of time with me. Today I saw the whole mansion. The Mansion is so big. I had requested Luc to teach me shooting and guess what he said he has to ask dad first, but didn't disagree with it also. So I'm happy, I will ask dad after dinner. Matt showed me his management projects clips also. I'm happy to see his work. Now I'm very sleepy so let's sleep first.

Author pov:-

After 2 hours...

Matt knocked on the door of her room but didn't get any reply, he did it twice and thrice. He gets scared of thinking that something has happened to her, so he opens the door. The scene in front of him, gives him a shock and then a smile makes his way on his lips. Here she is sleeping peacefully forgetting about everything. He called her, and she woke up after a few minutes. Then after 20 minutes both come downstairs to have dinner along with everyone. After dinner everyone settled in the hall. Isabella comes and sits beside her father and holds his hand. Leonardo is shock 😲 to see this but didn't show on his face. He smiled at her. She put her forehead on his shoulder.

I:- " Dad I want to ask you something?". Listening to her fear starts developing in him, what will she ask, is it related to why she was not with us in these years ? Not thinking much he just hummed.

I:- " Dad actually I want to learn shooting, so shall I learn it from Luc, only if you allow" Listening to her everyone is in shock and Andreano is happy to see her asking about learning self defense.

D:- "Yes my baby you can learn. I don't have any problems with my baby".

I:- Thank you so much dad. You're the best dad in the world. I love you soo much papa". Listening to her tears start falling from Leonardo's eyes 🥺 and everyone is happy.

I:- " Luc now papa has given me permission will you teach me shooting now?"

Luc:- " Yes baby I will teach you but from tomorrow onwards now it's time to sleep. Okay baby".

I:- " Yes Luc. Good night everyone bye". She bid bye to everyone and left for her room.

The moment her body touch the soft mattress she feels sleepy and soon sleep 😴 consume her. Next morning she woke up as usual did her morning routine and transferred the data in her new laptop and then started working on her secret business.
( Don't worry guy's it will reveal soon now back to story okay 🆗).

After completing the work she left the room and walked inside the closet which is now filled with lots of clothes.

After completing the work she left the room and walked inside the closet which is now filled with lots of clothes

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