Chapter 10: Father and Son

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I felt rain lashing against my face, soaking my clothes and plastering my hair to my forehead.

"I'm an idiot." I muttered shaking my head.

The forest around me was silent other that the sound of rain pattering on the canopy of leaves above me.

"I'm a damn idiot." I said louder, still angry, although now I was angry at myself. Furious.

The wind howling as it swept through my hair.

"I'm a goddamn idiot!" I shouted, slashing my wand through the air. My spell collided with a tree and with a deafening crash it fell to the ground.

I won't lie, that was idiotic. I know it was hard to resist the locket, I'm sorry I wasn't able to help more.

"It's fine." I said to Tom. "It was my own damn fault. Maybe it's for the best though."

They would've destroyed the locket eventua—

"But how much would I have stood in their way? And they'd only just find another Horcrux and it would happen all over this is for the best." I said, no longer feeling angry just alone.

Well then what now? Where are we?

"I think we're in the woods near Edgar's house, it was the first place that came to mind." I told Tom, pulling the compass Moody had given me. It was only a few months ago but if felt like years now. I started to slowly walk through the woods, towards Edgar's house.

Are you sure it'll be safe there?

"I dunno, but it's the best I've got."  I told him. My legs felt like lead, I was exhausted, it took all of my energy to even move.

Mad-eye did say Edgar abandoned it, and I doubt he'd expect us to return there, if he is from an alternative universe he'll be flying blind now, he couldn't know what we're planning, perhaps he thinks we're still with the other three, well two now I guess.

"If he's following them though he'll know pretty soon that we're not with them."

Let's hope he thinks we went with Ron, it might take him a bit longer to find him. Either way we'd better use all the time we have to come up with a plan, I think I see the house up in front of us. Wand out, I'd say.

I nodded, pulling my wand out of my pocket as I crept towards the house. It looked to be as abandoned as it was the last time we were here.

I tried the door and to my surprise to swung open. "Revelio." I muttered, and I was relieved when nothing happened.

Seems safe enough.

"Let's hope." I muttered. The house was the same as I'd left it, if anything there was more dust. I lit the tip of my wand, trying the light switch by the door but nothing happened.

No electricity then, I'm not surprised.

I tried all the other switches I found as I explored the house, not surprised that none of them turned on. After making a thorough sweep of the house, finding nothing expect a few candles and lanterns in the attic, I returned to the kitchen and slumped into a chair, lighting a lantern.

The yellow-ish orange light of the flame cast long shadows across the room, the effect was anything but welcoming.

What now then?

"Well we've got Faolan and the others waiting for us, we can connect back with them, although we haven't got any way to contact them." I said thinking.

We can't just show up either, they might be under watch.

"Not to mention there's also Grace."

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