Chapter 16: Trap

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"Your father will be here any moment (Y/n), throw down your wands and I'm sure he'll go easier on you." Bellatrix said to me.

She kicked Faolan in the head, keeping her wand pointed at me.

I looked over my shoulder, Vaughn was there his wand held up in front of him. There was a flash of gold as Fawkes flew in through one of the windows, dive bombing Bellatrix, before flying over to me.

"I don't think you realize Bella." I told her, point my wand at her. "I have a wand and you don't, or did you not realize that?" I sneered at her. "So why don't you just back off."

Bellatrix laughed a deep hollow laugh. "You sure about that (Y/n)?" I felt a sharp back on the back of my head, as if I'd been hit with something blunt.

I was barely able to catch myself as I fell forward, my wand slipping from my hand.

"What the?" I felt another blow, this time to my back.

"You think you can control me, demon?" Cullins hissed into my ear as he brought his baton down onto my back again.

"You? You set us up?" I asked him incredulous. There was no way he could've done this.

"Of course not Mr. Riddle." Archibald said calmly, I turned my head to see him coming out from his hiding spot.

"You!" I said pushing Cullins off of me, and getting to my feet, only for my prosthetic leg to give way under me, as though it was nothing but a flimsy piece of metal.

"Something wrong (Y/n)?" Archibald asked walking over to Bellatrix. "Your leg not cooperating with you?"

"What'd you do to it!" I shouted at him.

"I told you before Mr. Riddle, nothing is free in this world. And your leg? Well I ensured a contingency plan, just in case I ever needed to stop you." Archibald explained to me.

"The Dark Lord will be here soon." Bellatrix said smiling.

"So you've been working for Voldemort this whole time?" I asked Archibald angrily.

"I am simply a businessman, and well I had to cater to the market that I have." Archibald told me. "It's nothing personal I assure you."

"You bastard!" Vaughn snarled. "I never should've trusted you." He began to charge at Archibald, but with a flick of his wand the bracers he'd given to Vaughn snapped together, forcing his hands together.

"It was hard to figure out what to give you, you great brute." Archibald said to him. "The Dark Lord told me you'd escaped with Mr. Riddle, you never wondered how I had a gift perfect for you? Without having ever met you? I'm sure the Dark Lord will have a use for you. Perhaps hard labor."

"Fuck you." I said to Archibald, slashing out with my left arm, the gauntlet on it gleaming in the light of the room.

Archibald laughed. "You think I actually gave you the gauntlet of Merlin? I made that thing myself, and I must say I'm quite proud of it, but the only magic in it..." he waved his wand and I felt sharp pains shoot up my arm as the metal plates of the gauntlet began to stab into my arm, splintering through the bone.

I let out a scream of pain, and blood began to run down my arm. I tried to move my arm closer towards me, but it wouldn't budge, the gauntlet was keeping it high above my head.

"Tisk tisk Mr. Riddle, I expected you to act this way...but I hoped you wouldn't. Oh and don't try to use your little bird to escape." I watched in horror as Fawke's armor snapped shut as well pinning his wings to his side as he dropped out of the air.

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