Chapter 14: Christmas

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I took a short breath before summoning shadows around me, and flying into the sky. I didn't have to travel far to find what I was looking for, an old abandoned cottage a few miles outside of the village.

Landing gently on the ground, I pushed open the door, which was already hanging off its hinges.

I lit the tip of my wand as I carefully made my way through the seemingly desert house, although I knew it wasn't.

"Don't move." I heard a familiar voice say from behind me. I put my hands up in mock surrender.

"I doubt you want to do that friend." At the sound of my voice I heard the faint clank of metal falling to the floor.

"Demon—no you said we were done—no no NO. Leave me alone, no more pain." The voice said. I could hear them scurrying towards a corner of the room.

"It's been a while hasn't it DCI Cullins." I said turning around to face him, the silvery light from my wand bathed over his face.

He looked old, older than he should by now, I suppose that was due to the pain, his eyes were wild and blood shot. His hair stark white, matted with sweat, and dirt, his clothes filthy and ripped.

"Shush Shawn." He said turning to the empty space next to him.

"I told you when I left you I might need your help again." I said taking a step towards him.

He pushed himself as far against the wall as he could, his eyes wide carefully watching me. He looked like a cornered animal.

"No no no no you said we were done you said the pain would stop, I've been good, I've kept my mouth shut, I haven't told them what you are, demon; what you've done, Shawn not now." He turned his head wildly, eyes unfocused as though he was looking at someone a few feet away from him.

"I know what he did to you, I saw I'm not making a dash for the knife...yes I know...I know I said...he's asking how his fiancé's doing." Cullins said turning his head back to me.

"She's fine, moved on to a new man now." I told him bluntly.

" heard him? I'm sorry...I don't want to believe it either..."

As Cullins talked to the empty space next to him, I pulled out my pocket watch. It was a quarter to twelve.

We don't have much time (Y/n).

"I know." I muttered. "Look DCI." I said loudly, Cullins stopped mid conversation turning to me.

"No no no, no more pain, you said you'd leave me alone—"

"Well times have changed, I need as much help as I can get, even though you're a muggle you're still useful." I told him. "Now get up!" I commanded.

He shakily got to his feet, obeying me. "Grab my arm." I told him forcefully. He looked like this was the last thing he wanted to do, yet he still obeyed, his hand shaking horribly as he wrapped it around my arm.

I disapparated, appearing in front of Faolan's house a second later.

"What—demon what magic is this?" Cullins asked me, as he bent over double. I thought he was going to be sick.

"It's...we'll it's magic." I said simply.

Faolan pushed open the door. "There you are, I was about—Cullins?" He stopped where he was, staring. "I thought you were dead."

Cullins looked from Faolan to me, and then back again. "'re with this...this demon? This harbinger of death? I should've, yes Shawn you're right, you sower of disease...I should've know..."

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