Epilogue 1: 4 Years later

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"Hurry up." Vaughn muttered as we made our way through the crowded streets of Diagon alley.

I'd stopped to looking into the window of Weasley's Wizard Wheezes, watching Fred and George in their matching magenta suits.

"(Y/n) come on." Vaughn muttered to me, tugging my arm, pulling me away from the store. "Come on focus, this'll be the first time someone's broken in here since your friends did four years ago."

I nodded, following him down the street. Ingrid was already up ahead, waiting in the bank. I looked at my reflection in the shop windows as we walked past, an unfamiliar face staring back at me.

"I'm still not used to this face, I think the nose is a little lob sided." I said.

"You look fine." Vaughn grunted not looking at me. "Anyway that's what you get for murdering an Auror in broad daylight."

"Yeah well I told you Mulich was corrupt, he was one of Voldemort's puppets, there's probably still quite a few in the ministry." I told Vaughn.

"Yeah well was he worth losing an identity for, and push our plans back a month?"

"Maybe not...I was quite partial to Marcus Selene." I said.

"I don't understand why you pick such strange names, what was it you chose this time?"

"Tom Mani." I told him.

"You couldn't have gone with Tom Jones? Or Smith?"

"What can I say, I like mythology."

Vaughn just shook his head. "I thought I told you to stay on my right side."

"Oh yeah, sorry." I said crossing over behind him and over to his right. He's been almost completely blind his in right eye since Edgar kicked him there.

He liked keeping me on the right side when we were on operations so that he could keep watch of the left while I watched the right.

I looked behind us with my magical eye to the familiar sight of the transparent spirits of everyone I'd killed, which had only grown bigger in the years since they joined me. Garth however still stood at the front.

They never left me, everywhere I went they were there. Not all of them, not always, the amount that followed me fluctuated, but Garth was always there. He was watching everything I did, glaring at me, furious that I'd cut his life short.

I glanced over to Faolan the metal shard still in his chest, his shirt drenched in blood.

"Are the others in place already?" Vaughn said to me, pulling my attention away from the apparitions. We were getting close to the entrance to Gringotts.

"Should be, David said our decoys will be there by now, and Sparmak said he'd be waiting by the carts." I muttered to Vaughn.

We'd met David only a few weeks after the Battle of Hogwarts, just after William left to settle down with his wife and daughter.

David had managed to track us down, even breaking through the charms and protections we'd put on Edgar's old house. He's been one of our greatest assets, even though he can't join us for our actual operations.

"Do you trust the goblin?"

"Not really no, but he's the best we've got. He's promised to help us get into Gringotts, into the vault and out of it, but we'd better keep a close eye on him just in case." I muttered as we passed through the doors of Gringotts.

The bank was just as wondrous as it had always been, and the new ceiling they'd built looked almost identical to the last one.

I scanned around us with my magical eye, taking note of the dozen imperiused ex-death eaters that were to be our distraction.

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