Chapter 17: Back to School

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"You're covered in blood again." Vaughn said as I entered the kitchen late at night.

"Here." Ingrid said idly tossing a towel towards me.

"Cheers." I said wiping my face. "Ugh I hate when I get blood in there." I said pulling out my eye, and wiping it on the towel. "It gets all caught up behind it, and makes it harder for it to spin. Could you get me—"

"Some water?" Ingrid said holding a glass in her hand.

"Yeah, thanks." I said plopping the eye in there, wondering what Moody would say about me now as I stared into his electric blue eye.

In all honesty I think the old loon would be impressed with our results, I'm sure he'd disapprove of our methods though.

I smiled slighted as I watched the eye spin around in the water, that was slowly reddening from the blood.

"We need to sit down and talk soon." Vaughn said snapping me out of my thoughts. "We need to know your plan."

"Plan?" I asked him. "My plan's kill as many bastards as I can."

"Then why do you need us?" Vaughn asked me.

"What Vaughn's trying to say." Ingrid cut in, glaring at him. "Is that we want to help you, and we can't do that if you don't let us."

"That's what I said." Vaughn grunted as I ran my hands through my hair, slumping down into a chair.

"We're worried about you (Y/n)." Ingrid said, putting her hands on mine. "It's been almost two months since Faolan's death, and we've barely seen you. Grace keeps asking how you are."

I felt a pain of guilt, I hadn't thought how Grace must be feeling, her entire life has been completely upended, she must be so confused about what's going on.

"How is she?" I asked.

"She's alright." Vaughn said. "Worried about you. Confused. Scared."

"I know you've taken Faolan's death hard (Y/n), but you can talk to us if you need." Ingrid told me, gently squeezing my hand.

"I appreciate it." I said pulling my hands away from her and getting to my feet, running my hands through my hair once more. It was starting to get quite long now, I didn't mind it too much, but it did keep falling over my face and into my eyes.

"I'll talk to Grace tomorrow." I said stretching, flexing my real leg, and my shadow one.

I still hadn't gotten a replacement prosthetic yet, but the shadowy one I created in Malfoy manor hadn't disappeared yet.

"And us?" Vaughn asked.

"What do you want me to say?" I said angrily turning to them. "Tell you everything's all sunshine and rainbows? We've got not plan, no doubt You-Know-Who and his Death Eaters are hunting us, I led us directly into a trap, and I got Faolan killed.

"Not to mention I'm wanted by the ministry now." I said pointing aggressively at the newspaper on the kitchen table.

My hair slide forward over my forehead, covering my eyes. I angrily scooped it back my with hand.

"I'm fucked, even if we defeat You-Know-Who, I'll be a fugitive for the rest of my life, I've got to live with the consequences of my decisions, and on top of that I've gotten Grace roped in to all of this, I've shuffled her from one prison to another."

"At least tell us if the ministry's right or not, they said you murdered a kid." I could feel Vaughn staring at me, even though I could bring myself to look at him.

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