Chapter 11: Prison Break

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"What've we got here?" A rough voice said as I was shoved into the familiar processing office of Azkaban. "Hmm, looks familiar to me."

"The Dark Lord wants him held here for a while." The Death Eater holding my wand said, handing it to the processing wizard.

"Has he been here before?" The processing wizard asked.

"Hell if I know, I just do what I'm told...I think he has I don't really care enough." The Death Eater said impatiently.

"What's your number?" The processing wizard asked me leaning over his desk to look at me.

"My name's (Y/n) Ridd-" I started before he stuck up his hand to cut me off.

"I don't give a shit about your name, while you're here you're nothing but a number, what is it?"

"Two four six zero one." I said thrusting forward my left arm, where the numbers where still tattooed from the last time I was here.

"Two four six oh one...guest can never stay away too long." He muttered, before turning back to the Death Eater. "What's on his possession?"

"I don't bloody know! That's your job not mine!" He said shaking his head.

"Fine, bring him to the back room then." The processing wizard said annoyed, opening the door. The two Death Eaters holding me roughly shoved me into the room.

"Here." The wizard said shoving a black and white striped uniform at me. "Change." He order.

I stripped, unceremoniously, to my underwear, pulling on the prison jumpsuit.

"I'll be taking the eye." The processing wizard said, sticking his hand out for it; I didn't move.

"Look two four six oh one, we can do this the quick way or the long way, and I don't get paid enough to care about the long way." He told me.

Begrudgingly I reached up and popped my prosthetic eye out of its socket, giving it to the wizard.

"Anything else to declare? It's easier if you do it know."

"I've got a prosthetic leg." I told him, I hoped being cooperative would help my odds of keeping my leg.

"Get the secrecy detector." The wizard said to the Death Eater.

"I don't wor-"

"Don't care, it's in the cabinet, I'll need your jewelry as well." He said sticking his hand out. I took the blade ring off my finger and handed it to him. "The necklace too."

"It's from my girlfriend, can't I—"

"Didn't ask for a life story mate, take it off."

I slowly reached my hands up to my neck, and unclasped the necklace, unwillingly handing it to the wizard.

"Here." The Death Eater said, shoving the secrecy detector to the wizard, who took it without a word and ran it along my leg.

"Leg's fine." The wizard said. "You can keep it...this however." He ran the rod across my left forearm, as it let out a high pitched ringing. "What's under there?"

"My forearm?"

The cursed armband!

I'd completely forgotten about it, Archibald said it imbued a curse on its wearer, why had I been so stupid back then; so convinced I'd never be forced to take it; so sure I'd be stronger than it.

"Don't care what it is, it's tripped the sensory it's got to come off." The wizard said.

I nodded nervously, "Thing is I don't know how to take it off." I told him.

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