Epilogue 2: Loose ends

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"You know for a married woman you sure come to visit a lot." Vaughn said as he opened the front door.

I was sitting in the kitchen, as Hermione walked into the house, pulling off her traveling cloak.

"Do you not have friends of the opposite sex?" Hermione asked Vaughn as I waved my wand, a cup of tea floating over to her.

"Little lady all my friends live in this house, the only woman I'm friends with I see as a daughter." Vaughn told her.

"Oh...well I didn't..." Hermione started, but Vaughn cut her off with a laugh.

"Only messing with you, and with that I'll leave you two to catch up, I'm going to pay William a visit (Y/n), see you later."

As soon as Vaughn closed the door behind him Hermione turned towards me. "I've told you before (Y/n) you don't have to wear that silly mask around me."

"Yeah well I wear it for others sake, I doubt anyone wants to see my face." I said bitterly pulling off the mask and tossing it on the table.

"Like I've said (Y/n) neither I nor any of your friends care about your face, you wear it for your own sake not ours."

She's right you know.

"Oh shut up you." I said to Tom.

"Are you talking to Tom? How are you Tom." Hermione asked as she took a seat across from me. Since the battle of Hogwarts Hermione has been coming to visit me at least once a month.

In that time I'd told her everything, explained that I had killed Garth to make a horcrux, that I'd been under Voldemort's influence for so many years, and that Tom Riddle's soul was still living inside of me.

Tell her I'm glad she still visits

"Tom says he's happy to see you." I told Hermione.

She'd been very confused at first, although she never doubted what I'd told her. She'd spent a lot of time trying to figure out ways to prove I was under Voldemort's influence when I'd killed.

I told her a while ago to give up on it, I knew how crazy it sounded, and in all honestly there was no proof.

"So I was thinking," Hermione started, "what if you turned yourself in and then requested veritaserum, then you can prove you were under Voldemort's control."

"I've told you Hermione I already snuck around it once, and in court no less, there's no way they'll believe anything I say under veritaserum. Just give it up, it's hopeless."

"There's got to be a way (Y/n) there's got to be..." Hermione took a sip of her tea trailing off into thought.

Garth's ghostly spirit glared at me from across the room, he knew just as well as I did I was guilty, that I deserved everything that's happen to me.

"What if—"

"Congratulation on the promotion." I told Hermione cutting her off.

"Thank you, but how'd you know?" Hermione asked me looking surprised.

"I told you I have my contacts in the ministry, it's how I know Ron and Harry got a lot of shit for letting me escape. How is the old ball and chain anyway?" I asked Hermione.

She shook her head. "I still don't like how easily you've been able to infiltrate the ministry."

"You gonna turn me in?" I asked her.

"Of course not (Y/n)." Hermione said shaking her head. "I'm not going to sell you out...but that doesn't mean I have to approve of your methods."

"Well they get results and you can't deny that, has anyone investigated those aurors yet? The ones I told you about." I asked her.

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