Chapter 20: Edgar

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I blinked, trying to get rid of the dark spots in my vision. When it finally cleared I saw Edgar on his knees, his head hung over Hermes's body.

I gently pushed myself to my feet, and saw Hermes's mouth moving, her voice too weak for me to hear. Her arms moved weakly up towards Edgar, placing something in his hand, before she fell limp.

"Grace you need to hide now." I told her quickly, as William, and Ingrid rushed over to me. As soon as Hermes had fallen still he'd been released from the roots that held him.

"You fucking bastards." Edgar said, his voice quiet and deadly. The stones holding Vaughn in place fell away as Edgar straighten to his feet.

Ingrid, William, Vaughn and I pointed out wands at Edgar.

He glared over to us, one lens of his glasses cracked. His eyes looked feral, with a burning hatred in them.

Edgar raised his wand, as the ground began to shake. Greenhouse one behind him began to shudder and shake. The building began to rise from the ground, the glass in the building shattering as the entire building was launched towards us.

The four of us worked rapidly to deflect and blast apart the greenhouse as it rocketing towards us.

The broken pieces of the greenhouse crashed around us, as Edgar advanced towards us. William sent a jet of purple light towards Edgar, he dodged out of the way of it, slashing his wand violently through the air, creating a large gash across William's chest and sending him flying backwards.

Vaughn, Ingrid, and I began to send any spell we could towards Edgar, who used the crumbled remains of the greenhouse to block and deflect our spells, sending the pieces hurtling towards us.

One of them rushed past us, and slammed into Ingrid, pinning her to the ground, and snapping her wand.

Vaughn transfigured the incoming rocks into water, which I then spun around us, slamming it into Edgar, surrounding him in water and lifting him off the ground.

Edgar turned the water around him to glass, slamming down into the ground and sending the shards of glass towards us.

I sent out a blast from my wand, shattering the glass shards into a fine powered that peppered our faces, but didn't leave any cuts.

"Distract him a second." Vaughn muttered to me, and I slashed out with my wand, sending spell after spell at Edgar, who deflected the majority of the spells, a couple gashes appearing across his arms and chest, his white shirt turning red as blood slowly seeped out of his wounds.

Edgar didn't seem to notice, or if he did he didn't care as he sent a jet of silver towards my feet, exploding the ground around me and knocking me to the ground.

I saw Vaughn charged at Edgar, who swung his leg back into a solid stance, bending his knees slightly, and driving his shoulder underneath Vaughn's ribs as he reached him.

Vaughn was caught by surprise as Edgar used Vaughn's weight and momentum against him, ducking under Vaughn and sending him over his shoulder where he smacked onto the ground.

Edgar quickly disarmed me, and summoned me by my ankle towards him, kicking Vaughn in the head as he walked over to me, causing a trickle off blood to run down his forehead.

"Go on then," I said to Edgar as I lay on the ground panting slightly, "kill me."

"Oh I will (Y/n), I will, but first give me your watch." He said, has wand pointed at my face, his metallic hand extended out towards me, waiting expectantly.

"My watch?" I asked him genuinely confused.

"The watch I left with you when I brought you to the Weasley's."

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