The House (Chapter 1)

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(Song recommendation: LOVELY BASTARDS • ZWE1HVNDXR, yatashigang)

What do you do when you get a letter in the mail telling you your far away uncle passed away and left everything to you just because you turn out to be the last descendant of your whole bloodline?
What do you do in that situation, when you inherit a huge mansion, tons of money and a small peace of land knowing you’re in trouble with the landlord?

That’s right.
You move to that exact mansion, knowing you’ll have to leave everything behind you’ve ever loved.
Not that Felix had much he loved. He didn’t really have friends and all his family was dead, either they died of nasty diseases or because of accidents. Neither did he have a job he loved.

Looking further into it, that distant uncle wasn't even blood related to him, he had been the uncle of his aunt, who was married to his father's brother. All were dead so he had been the only one left to take the inheritance.

Felix was in the pantechnicon van with a man in his fifties. In the back of the car were his few belongings he insisted on taking with him. Like his bed. It sounded weird but he really couldn’t sleep on any other bed than his. Ans then there was a cabinet that belonged to his mother and a few boxes with photographs, clothes, etc, etc.

His headphones were playing music on full volume as his leg was shaking in anticipation. He was really nervous, for some reason.
He had no idea what the house looked like, what type of people live around it and what else.

After about two hours of driving they finally reached the house and Felix was lying if he would say his mouth didn’t drop.
They were practically in the middle of nowhere, apart from a few houses in the distance there was no one around.

The mansion was huge. It was like an old, slightly decayed castle. There was a huge flower garden, at least, it must’ve been a flower garden. All the flowers had been withered away and there were weeds between all the tiles of the pathway.

Felix stepped out of the car and the driver helped him get his stuff out of the car. He then drove off, leaving Felix all alone at the gate.
In about an hour a moving service will come help him with moving his stuff, so he just decided to have a look inside already.

As he walked along the weeded pathway Felix had an eerie feeling about this all.
I mean, he was all alone in that huge, old house. And what always happened in horror movies? That's right. Family moves to big old house they inherited and half of them dies, they are being chased by monster(s) for a while and eventually the 'hero' manages to save them all and kill the monster.

Though the problem was. He had no family to be killed. He would be the first and only target, which leads to a probable scary and painfull death.

It suddenly really didn’t seem like such a good idea anymore to move here, but he didn’t have much choice.
His old landlord hated his guts and he could barely pay his rent anymore, maybe he could now he inherited a small fortune, but still. The landlord seemed to have a thing for young adults, and he couldn't really say he felt the same about old men...

He reached a huge door and fished the key from his pocket he got in the letter saying he inherited the house and a small fortune.

He stuck the key in the keyhole and turned it. He was quite surprised when the door opened pretty easily, without too much creaking.
He stepped in the slightly stale hallway and looked around.
It was quite dark inside, and he searched for a light switch.

When he found it he switched it and it would be an understatement to say he was relieved that there was power.
He walked further into the house. He explored the slightly iffy rooms and tried all the lightswitches and taps to see if they worked.

The Ghost at the end of the Hallway ~ Hyunlix Where stories live. Discover now