Scared (chapter 6)

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It had been a very nice experience for Felix.

For once he didn’t have to dwell in his own lonely mind, and he had someone to laugh and talk with. Suddenly the entire house didn’t seem so cold and empty to Felix anymore.

Felix had fled to the library after socialising with Hyunjin for too long. He had found the entire Harry Potter series in Korean and he had a lot of fun trying to decipher the story, which honestly wasn’t too hard for him since he knew each word by heart.

It was already three o’clock in the morning when he finally started on the second book of the series. He read about halfway when he realised his eyes were about to fall close. He was exhausted.

That's the problem from knowing there would be no consequences. I mean, he didn’t have to work or something.

He was about to walk back to the Great Wall filled with books and literature, when he noticed something off.

He quickly shoved the book, carefully of course, back in its place and stood still for a second.

He turned around, and looked at the big bookcase.

For a second he saw nothing in the dim light of the library, but at some point a certain glow didn’t escape his eyes.

He let out a low chuckle. Acting as if he saw nothing he walked back towards the sofa he’d sat on and grabbed his stuff, which wasn’t a lot, his phone and the key to his bedroom. He was very well aware that the locked door wouldn’t keep Hyunjin out, but it was still more out of habit.

He acted as if he saw an interesting book. He walked towards the bookcase where the certain blue glow seeped through and let his finger run along one of the spines of the many books. In a flash he pulled back about three of them, completely catching Hyunjin red handed.

The books fell to the ground with a muffled thud. Hyunjin let out a shriek and backed off quickly, making his head collide with the bookcase behind him, which he of course flew right through.

Felix was laughing his ass off. “You were watching me again?” He managed to say. He walked around the grande bookcase and saw Hyunjin lying with his lower body in the tight pathway and with his upper right through the bookcase. If Felix hadn’t known exactly what would’ve been going on he’d have freaked out.

“That was mean.” Hyunjin said, still laying motionless through the bookcase. Felix just continued laughing and walked towards the ghost.

“But still, you were watching me again. I caught you red handed.” Felix said, his voice suddenly turning serious. “So, what’s your explanation, Hwang?” He said strictly.

Hyunjin suddenly sat up. His upper body emerged from out of the book case, his face completely unreadable.

“You were taking too long.” He said casually.
“With what?” Felix mocked him. He stuck out a hand for Hyunjin to take, which he did gratefully.

“With reading.” Hyunjin said. His face was getting slightly red. Felix smirked at the sight.
“How did you know I was reading?” Felix asked, still having that wicked smirk on his face.

“I-I’ve seen you here before.” Hyunjin said. His face got redder each second.
“So this wasn’t the first time you’ve been watching me?” Felix asked. He put his hands behind his back and tilted his head slightly.

Hyunjin was about to say more but suddenly the lights went out.
“What the-?” Felix spoke up. He heard a slight puff coming from Hyunjin.

“The power went off again.” He said casually.
“That’s normal?” Felix asked, a bit uneasy with it.
“Yeah.” Hyunjin answered.

The Ghost at the end of the Hallway ~ Hyunlix Where stories live. Discover now