Gone Wrong (Chapter 4)

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Felix was already on his fifth glass of wine. Sam didn’t stop giving him more and more of the red drink. Every time he finished his glass it ‘magically’ filled itself again while he wasn’t looking.

“You’re funny.” Felix started giggling like cazy. Sam's joke hadn’t even been funny. He was just too drunk to think straight.
“Damn you’re really drunk, it reminds me of why I’m here.” Sam said naughtily.

Felix giggled again. “You brought condoms and lube, right?” He asked sheepishly. Sam nodded, his eyes filled with lust at the drunken guy beside him.

“Then where are we waiting for?” He said. In a second he was pushed on the couch with Sam hovering above him. Felix felt his heart skip a beat, but not necessarily in a good way.

Before he knew it he was kissing the guy. Without even asking for permission Sam lowered his face into his neck, spreading hickeys everywhere. He pinned Felix’s hands above his head to stop him from moving.

Felix felt very uncomfortable actually. It was going to fast for his liking.
“Where’s your bedroom?” Sam growled in his neck.
“Upstairs.” Felix groaned.
Sam hummed and lifted him up without a warning, then walked him towards the stairs.

Shit. How am I gonna get out of this?
Before he knew it he was thrown down on his own bed.
How did he even find my room in this big house?
But he didn’t have any more time to think as his hands were yet again pinned above his head while he was being kissed hungrily.

Felix managed to pull away. “S-Sam?” He stuttered. Sam pulled his face out of Felix’s neck. “Yes?” He asked with a seductive tone Felix didn’t find seductive whatsoever.
He wanted to tell Sam to stop. But he couldn’t, right? They made an agreement. It was practically an agreement. So he couldnt ask him to stop now, right?

“Nevermind.” Felix sighed. Sam didn’t ask any further questions and managed to strip both of them from their clothes. Felix just had to endure the way Sam touched him. He would be fine.

Sam stood up. “Wait, the condoms and lube are in my pocket.” Felix just nodded and watched Sam get a tube and a condom out of the back pocket of his pants.

Shit. I can’t pull back now. Sam climbed back on top of the bed and hovered above Felix.
“I’m going to ruin your pretty body.” He moaned. Felix cringed but just let the elder do his thing, since he felt powerless anyway. What does a little sex matter anyway? It's not like I have the risk of getting pregnant.

Sam touched Felix’s lower abdomen with his hand, slowly moving downwards. Without a warning he grabbed Felix’s dick and started stroking his shaft. Felix couldn’t help but moan.

Barely a minute later he was on his back and Sam was ramming his body in Felix’s. Felix wasn’t completely pleased but he enjoyed it nonetheless. They went on like that for a few minutes until Sam spoke up.
“Fuck.” Sam moaned from behind him. “F-fuck I’m coming.”

Barely five seconds later Sam came inside the rubber and Felix needed a few more thrusts before he too came all over his now not so clean anymore bedsheets.

Sam pulled out of the smaller and let himself collapse on Felix’s back.
“Can I wash up?” Felix asked, trying to turn around and push Sam off of him.
Sam let himself be pushed off of him and Felix tried to stand up. His knees were weak but he could walk pretty fine.

“You can shower after me.” Felix said. He grabbed an oversized pyama shirt and pulled it over his sticky body. It reached until about his knees which practically made it a dress.
“Why don’t I just shower with you?” Sam asked. Felix thought about, and came to the conclusion he’d rather not.
“The shower is too small, I can barely move around on my own.” That was a lie, but who cared. Also there were multiple showers in here and yes one was really small so he’ll just give that one to Sam to ‘prove’ his lie.

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