Comfort (chapter 5)

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“Were you watching me while I was in the shower?” Felix asked. He squinted his eyes together in suspicion, trying to rake together any reason or excuse for him to slap Hyunjin.

“Wh-what? No!” Hyunjin said. He quickly looked away. Felix gasped. “You were!” He was about to lift the spatula he had been holding when Hyunjin quickly held up his hands in defense, even though he couldn’t even hit Hyunjin with it.

“No no no no!” Hyunjin quickly stepped back. “I swear to my life that I wasn’t watching you!” He practically yelled. He wasn’t used to being touched let alone being hit for he didn’t know how many years.

“Well that’s useful. You’re dead, stupid.” Felix said he raised the spatula again. He wasn’t really planning to hit Hyunjin. At least not hard. He just wanted answers for his UGH! behavior. Even though he knew that the spatula wouldn’t even be able to touch Hyunjin.

“THEN I SWEAR ON MY PAINTINGS!” He yelled. Felix immediately lowered his spatula. “You’re not lying?” He said.
“No!” Hyunjin exclaimed, still a bit scared. “I was looking away!” He said.

“So you do admit you were there?” Felix asked. He yet again squinted his eyes in suspicion. And it didn't go unnoticed by him how Hyunjin suddenly panicked.
“W-well yes. But I wanted to make sure that guy didn’t do anything inappropriate to you.” Hyunjin defended himself.

“We literally had sex twenty minutes before that, so what are you trying to imply on?” Felix sighed. Suddenly his eyes widened. “YOU DIDNT WATCH US DID YOU?!” He suddenly yelled.

Hyunjin looked up in surprise. “What the heck? Ew no!” He said. Felix bursted into laughter.
“I’m just playing with you.” Felix said. He heard a relieved sigh.

“I shall forgive you for your crimes.” Felix said in an over exaggerated British accent. “But now scram! I'm trying to cook.”
Hyunjin formed a cute pout with his mouth, which went ‘unnoticed’ by Felix.

“It smells good.” Hyunjin complimented him. “I wish I would still be able to eat.” He sighed.
Felix looked over his shoulder at the said man. He felt a bit bad. “You can’t even taste things?” He asked. Hyunjin shook his head.

Felix took the rice cakes out of the pan and put them in a bowl. He grabbed some chopsticks and sat at the table.
“Can I watch you eat?” Hyunjin asked.
“No.” Felix said shortly. Short but clear.
“Oh.” Hyunjin felt a bit disappointed and just stood there. “Ok. I’ll be going then.” He turned around and slowly walked/floated out of the kitchen.

Dammit now I feel bad.
“Hyunjin I’m kidding come back.” Felix said calmly. There wasn’t an answer nor did Hyunjin come back. Felix just shrugged his shoulders and grabbed his chopsticks to start eating his rice cakes.

Later that day Felix got dressed in a pair of old jeans and an old Nirvana T-Shirt. He put on a pair of grey sneakers who once used to be white and left for the garden.

A bit further away was a surprisingly large shack where he was pretty sure should have been the garden stuff.

He’d always plant flowers in his own garden with his mom, so he had always loved taking care of plants. Because his mother taught him to.

Felix reached the shack and grabbed the knob of the practically ancient looking door.
He managed to get the rusty metal door open and flicked on the light.
Felix almost jumped up when he saw Hyunjin was in the shack. Actually. He did jump up.

“It’s fine I’ll leave.” Hyunjin stood up from the floor and just disappeared through the walls. Felix was left speechless.

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