chapter 7

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The last thing Felix would've expected when he'd wake up was waking up with his face pressed against Hyunjin's warm chest. Still incredibly sleepy, he looked up just to find, to his surprise, a sleeping Hyunjin.

Felix felt his face heat up at once. He quickly looked down again, but it only made it worse, since now he was looking at Hyunjin's chest.

At least he has clothes on. Felix thought.

The still sleepy man tried to back off from Hyunjin's chest after wiggling his arms between his body and Hyunjin's wall of a chest, but it was no use. The taller male had his arms wrapped around the shorter's waist which prevented him completely from escaping.

Felix felt his face getting even redder. Sighing he tried to free his arms out of between his body and Hyunjin's, since it was quite uncomfortable to have them squeezed like that.

He tried to get the other's arms to let go of his waist, but again it was no use. The taller male only wrapped his arms around Felix even tighter and pulled Felix even closer. Hyunjin grunted a little bit after burying his face in Felix's hair he quieted down immediately.

Felix tried really hard not to groan in frustration. Deciding it was best to just stay like this until the other would wake up seemed like the best idea to him.

So he just managed to wiggle his left arm under Hyunjin's torso and the other he just put on top of it.

He managed not to sqeel as Hyunjin pulled him even closer, making the side of his face collide with the other's chest, along with the rest of his body.

Felix layed there frozen for a second. He wasn't embarrassed or something, so then why was his face heating up like this? He sighed. Realising he wouldn't soon escape from this grip he just (tried to) relax his body.

Hyunjin let out a hum that Felix couldn't place, so he just ignored it. He managed to close his eyes, simply trying to fall asleep again. And he did. But it took some time.

It just kept amazing him how human Hyunjin felt. How alive. His body was so warm and his touch so real, that Felix almost didn't believe the poor man was dead.

But he fell asleep again. Eventually.

A certain smell entered Hyunjin's nose at some point. With his eyes still closed he tried to remember where it could come from.

It smelled nice. Like sunshine with a whiff of male cologne. He buried his face deeper in the pillow, but his face eventually met with something else.

Soft hairs tickling his face. He took a deep sigh through his nose, completely inhaling the scent of what he assumed was another man.

He couldn't remember stepping in bed with someone. Or did he?

Still not moving his body nor opening his eyes, Hyunjin slowly woke up.

The male in his arms groaned and buried his face deeper in Hyunjin's chest. Hyunjin noticed how cold it was.

Did the power go out or something? He thought.

Without opening his eyes he tried to remember who he was holding.

He met with the sleeping face of a man. Since his vision was still blurry he had no idea what was going on.

Why was he this sleepy again? Wasn't he supposed to be dead anyway?

He sighed. Maybe his body was just not used to sleeping, since he didn't really do so anymore. He didn't have to anyway, so why bother?

As his vision started to clear up, it started to dawn on him that he indeed knew this man, and he could even almost remember how he had fallen asleep earlier that night.

Hyunjin practically let out a gasp when he finally realised who he was holding. In a reflex he tried to sit up, and all that commotion made Felix wake up of course.

Felix sat up beside Hyunjin and rubbed his eyes. When he opened them again he looked to his side. He squealed in surprise.

He suddenly jumped up at the sight of the flabbergasted Hyunjin. That action made him fall off the bed and hit his head against the bedside table.

Hyunjin all watched it happen. He saw how Felix sat up and clenched his eyes shut in pain. He rubbed the spot he hit against the table aggressively with his hand to try and ease the pain.

"A-are you ok?" He asked shyly. Felix kept his eyes clutched and just hummed a yes. However when he pulled his hand back from the back of his head he witnessed red blood on his fingertips.

With a loud groan Felix tried to sit up, but he was quickly pushed down again.
"Wait! I'll get you ice!" Hyunjin panicked. He felt guilty for startling the other like that, and his cheeks were so red he was sure Felix should've noticed by now.

"Are you able to touch ice?" Felix chuckled. Hyunjin stopped in his tracks as he watched Felix manage to stand up.
"No I can't." He admitted sadly.
"Well then." Felix sighed. He managed to stand up onto his feet, and to his great dismay he noticed that he was dizzy.

"Fucking hell, man." He hissed to no one in particular. Hyunjin looked around in a panic, not really sure of what use he could be.

Felix managed to take a few steps, but he had to hold the bed railing so as not to topple over from the sudden mist that was forming in front of his eyes.

"You're gonna fall." Hyunjin said. He stood up from the bed and walked over to Felix.
"No shit, Sherlock." Felix hissed. It really wasn't fair that he was acting that way towards Hyunjin, but he was in pain, and it was his coping mechanism.

He took a deep breath and let go of the railing. He noticed Hyunjin standing behind him but he decided not to pay any mind to it. He took a few more steps and guess what, he tripped.

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